Home Letters HM of Bishops’ High School should resign, amid scandal
Dear Editor,
As Chairman of the Caribbean Committee Against Sex Crimes, I am moved to call for the resignation of Headmistress of The Bishops’ High School due to her mishandling of allegations of sexual misconduct and statutory rape.
The Headmistress is quoting as telling her female students, “You are very slack. Very loose with yourself,” in a diatribe that can only be described as victim-blaming and ignorant. I would also go so far as to label this sort of conduct abusive given the fragile psyches of victims of sex crime.
It is this sort of culture that prevents the majority of victims of sex crimes from coming forward and seeking justice against their abusers. An example must be made of this Headmistress; either she must offer a public apology and receive sensitivity counselling to prevent further incidents of this behaviour , or her resignation must come forthwith to prevent further damage to the students presently in her care.
The Caribbean Committee Against Sex Crimes (CCSASC) is an initiative of Zandoli International Foundation. Zandoli International Foundation is a registered 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Organisation based in North Carolina.
Our Mission Statement is: “Saving lives by preventing sex crimes and empowering victims in the Caribbean through advocacy for sex offender registration and victims support policies”.
Yours sincerely,
Jonathan Bhagan