The 2023 edition of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha’s (GHDS) Holi Utsav is set for Tuesday, March 7 at the Everest Cricket Club Ground. The event which has been absent for at least two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic will see its return on Phagwah Day.
The event is expected to colourful affair with several cultural presentations and stage performances with the headlining act being Neval Chatelal out of Trinidad and Tobago.
Also performing will be Vishale Sukram, Ganindra, Kishan Sugrim, Sookrane Boodhoo, Rekha Ranglall, Suraj Singh, the Dharmic Nritya Sangh, Feel the Beat Tassa Group, and several Chowtal groups.
There will be lots of colour throws and lots more activities for the entire family. Admission to the event is absolutely free.
Meanwhile, on March 4, the Sabha will host its annual Rang Rasiya and Folk Dance Festival at the Dharmic Rama Krishna School, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown (Next to Giftland Parking Lot). The event will feature dances, songs, skits and other cultural items. In addition, there will be a wide range of sweetmeats, games and Phagwah Items.
Tickets cost $1000 while children under the age of five will be admitted free.