Home News Home of elderly man burglarised
Bandits on Wednesday carted off a number of items after they invaded a house at Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
Based on reports received, the incident occurred at Lot 59 New Road, Vreed-en-Hoop, between 07:05h and 19:45h. The owner of the house had already left for work.
The proprietor , 59-year-old Courtney Benjamin told Police ranks that everything was intact when he left for work about 07:05h on the morning in question.
However, the elderly man returned home about 19:45h only to find a padlock removed from the western door which was left ajar. Benjamin became suspicious and immediately made checks inside the house and around the property.
Upon entering, he discovered that a quantity of clothes, two pairs of shoes, a haversack, one gas cylinder and hats were missing. The items had an estimated value of $105,000.
The Police were summoned to the house and a report was made. The identities of the bandits remain unknown, but Police are continuing their investigations.