Home News Homeless man arrested for dumping garbage in city
A homeless man was arrested on Friday afternoon after he was caught dumping garbage in Robb Street, Lacytown, Georgetown.
Guyana Times was informed that, although being caught, the man refused to identify the person/s who had given him the garbage to dispose of. As such, he was taken into custody and was ordered to do community work.
A week ago, two males and a female were arrested in separate incidents involving the dumping of garbage, and they have been charged for littering in Georgetown.
It was reported that two of the three persons are vendors, while the other is a homeless man.
The first indecent occurred when the homeless man was caught dumping garbage at Russel Square, Stabroek Market, Georgetown. Caught and arrested, the man identified a female vendor as the person who had paid him to dispose of the garbage.
The man and woman were both arrested, and each was placed on $20,000 bail. They are expected to be arraigned in court on February 8.
Following those arrests, Police said, another man was arrested on the East Bank of Demerara after he was caught littering. His identity has not been disclosed, but he will be charged soon.
In a previous report from the Police Force, it was detailed that despite repeated calls for persons not to litter, litterbugs are still being caught dumping garbage around the country.
On Friday, Shania Singh received an award from the Mayor and City Council after she stood up to a litterbug on Longden Street, Stabroek.
In a video that was circulating on social media, the woman was heard ordering a man to pick a beverage container he had deposited on the pavement. She has been rewarded for her bravery.