Sheltez/ Homesafe Security Independence Cup International segment
In yet another selfless act, Homesafe Security has sponsored another tennis tournament to ensure that players gain maximum exposure on the court.
This is the second leg of the tournament, which got underway on May 6.
The competition is the first of its kind, and it is in keeping with the aim of Homesafe Security to commit to the development of Guyanese youths.
In doing so, the company, in less than two months, sponsored a third event for young tennis players.

However, never before has the security entity contributed to one of this magnitude, involving overseas players.
Initially, the security firm wanted to participate in Guyana’s Golden Jubilee celebration, which started in 2016; but, according to Manager Maurisia Johnson, due to the success in the inaugural event, her entity was prompted to continue with the sponsorship.
“This is our second year sponsoring this event. Last year, when we started, Guyana was celebrating its 50th year as an independent nation, and because the entire nation was celebrating this significant moment in our history, we at Homesafe decided to get involved. However, the success at the inaugural event prompted our sponsorship for a second time.”
Now that Homesafe has entered new territory, Johnson said her company will be aiming to make bigger steps — towards sponsorship of individual players who are at disadvantage to equip themselves with the tools to progress in the sport.
Johnson noted it is simply giving back to the society.
To date, national tennis ace Nicola Ramdyhan would have benefited from Homesafe Security’s contribution to the sport, and is presently on a tennis scholarship in North America.