This PNC-led APNU/AFC government reminds your Eyewitness of those little kids who believe that when they close their eyes the world disappears!! Take discrimination against people because of their sexual orientation: no matter how they slice it, dice it, or even puree it, it ain’t gonna disappear. So why’s the Government insisting there are laws on the books forbidding discrimination against ANYONE, and they don’t have to be specific?
But even a moment’s thought about this assertion shows how dissembling this Govt can be. Just look at the “Prevention of Discrimination Act” — which has to do with employment generally. It excruciatingly spells out that “you can’t discriminate against folks on account of their race, sex, religion, colour, ethnic origin, indigenous population, natural extraction, social origin, economic status, political opinion, disability, family responsibilities, pregnancy, marital status or age. Whew! Now, if it was just a matter of forbidding “discrimination” against “anyone”, why spell out all these categories? Very simply because specific acts of discrimination against specific persons are always along specific grounds.
And that’s the whole point about discrimination. Ain’t it? And Lord knows, people are discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. Let’s be honest: think of a workplace, any workplace — YOUR workplace. Do you thing they would’ve hired your boss if he was openly gay? Or, God forbid, trans??? Well, in case you didn’t realise it, that’s discrimination! Problem is: while at one level most of us may say we look at everyone as “human”, that’s not the point. Is it? When we actually CHOOSE, we’re forced to DISTINGUISH; and that’s where discrimination can come in.
If the criteria we use to make the cut isn’t related to the purpose — in this case, the job — then it’s discriminatory. And this is why the legislators made that laborious list above. They recognise folks have been discriminated at one time or another along those lines, and forbid it because it was wrong. So why not add “sexual orientation” to the list?
And we come to the crux of the matter: A large swathe of us — for many reasons, especially “religious” ones — evaluate gay or trans-people as “not quite” deserving of equal treatment. They make us uncomfortable just as how at one time — and even presently, in some places — to be asked to treat Black people equally made some uncomfortable.
So this Government will have to quit trying to ride with the hounds — those who discriminate against gays — and run with the hares — those who are gay. There comes a time when they have to make the moral choice and explicitly forbid discrimination against gays.
And that time is now!
…Code of Conduct
TIGI’s complained that the Integrity Act – to which the PNC-led APNU/AFC govt had appended their much vaunted “Code of Conduct for Ministers” — is fatally defective for “vagueness,” among other sins of omission and commission. So what else is new – or surprising? This is an administration that’s “talked the talk” but is genetically incapable of “walking the walk”. Genetically? Think PNC as the chromosomes in every ministry of this Government!
Now, while the Govt’s hoping it’ll just go away, let’s not forget this Code of Conduct was promised to be unfurled within THE FIRST 100 DAYS of the Government. Well, it’s now over 700 days and counting. In the meantime, every week, there’s another scandal involving another Government official. Shall we count the instances, dear reader? We thought not!! It’s just too sickening. Isn’t it?
But it’s the moral responsibility of the supporters of the Government, who put them there with their sweet talk.
Like Spike advised, they should “do the right thing”.
…ANSA’s sweetheart deal
The Government’s hoping folks will forget the $605M pharma scam involving ANSA. Well, a hat tip to the Stabber for keeping the spotlight on!
But they should look just outside the penumbra for the dirty trick just played!