Horrible times and worst days are ahead

It is most disturbing to observe the statements drip-fed out of the GANG of eight that controls the Alliance For Change (AFC).  Firstly, from Khemraj Ramjattan. Then, the immoral outpouring from AFC leadership cabal (the so-called GANG of eight generals who have no supporting soldiers). Then finally, the submission by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo with his weekly diatribe attempting to spinelessly spin untruths for his supper.
Why am I disturbed? Because that party was destined to be the balance of power to “rebuild the moral fabric of our society for the sake of future generations” (see the 2011 AFC Action Plan). Rather, they have lost the ethical plot and are today on a mission to exclusively use public office to create a whole new economic platform for themselves and their families, while doing everything possible to neglect the masses. Isn’t this what Ramjattan, Nagamootoo, Cathy Hughes and the others accused the People’s Progressive Party of when they were in Opposition?  What do you call such kind?
Unfortunately, those who have been bequeathed with the task of bringing rationality to the political thought set have now morphed into a cabal of hypocrites. Their sole mission is to play their role as loyal bag boys and girls for the People’s National Congress (PNC) with a clear mandate of explaining away, albeit poorly, the catastrophic decisions made in Congress Place. One thing the AFC is not able to hide these days is how crippled they have become mentally on the big issues. Their attempt at explaining away the transgressions of the PNC is become more and more unintelligent every day, to the point one ponders if they are literally “XM or El Dorado enhanced” when they make such idiotic statements.
But let us focus on the statement made by Nagamootoo.  I would not insult what little is left of his intelligence by suggesting that he believe any of it.  Maybe his PNC masters wrote that statement for him since history has proven that he is nothing but a half-baked pretender at grasping the big issues and has always been a stooge of the groupthink. Using his name, his masters dabbled in everything in that debauched outpouring but the issue at hand.
What is the issue at hand?
The Constitution provides that “if the Leader of the Opposition fails to submit a list as provided for,” only then can the President proceed unilaterally to make an appointment of a Judge, former Judge or person qualified to be a Judge.”  Let us be clear about this – unilateralism is only given life constitutionally if the Leader of the Opposition fails to have a list of six names on the desk of the President. The facts will show that there were six names on the desk of the President but he chooses to violate the Constitution and walk the path of unilateralism.
Unfortunately, this entire crisis has nothing to do with Jagdeo.  It was self-created by none other than David Granger and he and only he has to bear full responsibility for the outcome.  History and time will be very unkind to him for playing with the future of the Guyanese people.  There is no doubt that the period of “non-cooperation” will bite.  In a struggle, all will feel the pain but struggle we must unless we want to become slaves of Grangerism that is shown itself to be much worse than Burnhamism.
As Mandela cautioned us “if you want the humans around you to cooperate, you must make them feel as important by being genuine and humble”.  Granger has lost a golden opportunity to leverage a period of cooperation by deliberately sewing seeds of mistrust in the society.  How reckless and irresponsible of him!
Because of his tenure in office, many are today feeling bullied.  And this intimidating continued with deceptive swiftness when he “lick down” all the laws by swearing in an 84-year-old unfit person into such a high office.  And yes, Patterson is unfit on many fronts.
First off, where is his experience at managing a big organisation like GECOM?  ZERO!
Then there is the political hot potato of his age. The State runs the risk of the drama of constant medical emergencies. We have real evidence in the agriculture portfolio with Noel Holder whose disruptive medical tragedies have brought great harm to that sector. Should we not expect the same from an even more aged 84-year-old?
The highest levels of the “Grangite” political establishment bear an uncomfortable resemblance to a gerontocracy. Unfortunately, in such a situation, economic, political and social progress shall be delayed.  Therefore frankness is key and it is the time that more people in and out of Guyana, who love our country speak the truth, unlike the AFC Gang of eight who have betrayed themselves and their now permanently lost supporters.