House-to-House Registration

Dear Editor,
The concept of a new voters’ list is utter nonsense, since the existing list is still valid and is supposed to be kept up-to-date by GECOM.
Who authorised the H2H Registration? Was it James Patterson, who was pronounced by the CCJ to be illegally appointed by David Granger?
Yet, after he was forced to resign, his illegal order was still carried out by someone whose excuse was that he was following James Patterson’s orders.
Anyway, the H2H Registration commenced, and should have been stopped immediately by the new GECOM Chairperson after her appointment. She has all authority to do so. I am sure that, like every Guyanese citizen, Madam Chairperson is keeping abreast with the critical political situation, and there was no need for her to be advised on the way forward after her appointment, as was stated in the media.
The H2H Registration ended on Saturday, August 31, 2019. There are still thousands of persons who have not been registered. Why was there so much speed to allow the illegal registration to continue four days after it was called off?
This whole H2H Registration is a waste of precious time and money. The big question is: How can they add to the existing list an incomplete list that is one-sided and unverified? Educated people have become dunces. There will be mass confusion, deliberate omissions, and illegal entries to suit purposes. They can never emerge with a credible and authentic list. The whole world is watching at this foolishness.

Kenneth Seepaul