Housing Ministry refutes claims by Norton, Harris on Mocha-Arcadia land

Housing and Water
Minister Collin Croal

The Housing and Water Minister on Monday refutes the misleading claims made by Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton and seasoned journalist Adam Harris regarding the lands from which squatters were removed for the construction of a highway at Mocha Arcadia (Cane View).
The Ministry in a press statement reiterated that the Government of Guyana used the said lands for the publicly stated purpose of the construction of the said highway; and that there is no intention whatsoever of using this land for any other purpose or allocating it to any person or entity.

Seasoned journalist
Adam Harris

It pointed out that only a few days ago, on August 13, 2024, Minister Collin Croal, in an article published in a section of the media referred to this exact issue, and stated, “The lands are not allocated to anyone…there are no structures on the land.”
“The statements by Harris and Norton are not only erroneous and mischievous but are also intended to create racial strife and excite ethnic hostilities,” the ministry contended.

Opposition Leader
Aubrey Norton

The majority of the squatters, the ministry further stated relocated to developed housing areas free of cost and compensation paid.
“Those who were once squatters are now legal landowners. The success of the housing programme over the last four years has been a sore point for the Opposition, especially considering their dismal performance in the sector when they were in government from 2015-2020.”
Those squatters who felt aggrieved by the government’s decision have instituted legal proceedings and the matters are pending in the High Court.