How much longer have teachers with degrees in public management to wait to be upgraded in the teaching system?

Dear Editor,
Teachers with degrees in public management should be recognised in the teaching system. Many teachers in the Business department who gained degrees in Public management have to utilise their degrees to help students with the business SBAs, and these teachers are currently not getting paid for their degrees.
The business SBA has changed to more like a research, and this is where teachers with public management degrees will have to utilise their knowledge gained from the degree. The Ministry of Education needs to look at the courses offered in this four-year programme.
Most of the courses are Business and Accounts. How can teachers in the Business department in Berbice promote themselves? The training for teachers in Berbice do not offer training in Business, and the Business programme (Degree in Public Management) offered at the University of Guyana Berbice Campus is not recognised in the teaching system.
These teachers are very unhappy, because they have to utilise their knowledge gained from the degree programme to help students and they do not get paid for that. Teachers who gained degrees in Public Management were allowed to do the Diploma in Education (Business studies), and when they completed that programme, they got an AM status instead of a TGM status.
The Ministry of Education should consider upgrading those teachers in the Business department with degreed in Public Management, because these teachers are efficiently utilising their knowledge and they deserve to be upgraded.

Yours sincerely,
Nicholette Simpson

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