How much more hypocritical, deceitful, and insulting can it get?

Dear Editor,
It is both hypocritical and insulting to the collective intelligence of the people of this nation that the very APNU/AFC that imposed some of the most draconian tax increases, which brought untold suffering on ordinary Guyanese, would now have the gall to be demanding a whole host of impractical measures which they claim would bring relief to this category of persons.
The same APNU/AFC which removed billions of dollars in water subsidies for our pensioners are now telling Guyanese that the proposed increase in old-age pension is insufficient.
The same APNU/AFC which stopped the Because We Care cash grant for school children, taking away billions of dollars in support for 5 years, are now saying that the proposed $30,000 is insufficient.
This same APNU+AFC imposed VAT on water and electricity consumption; cell phone data and other services; medical services and, at one point, education. As if that weren’t enough, they increased land rental fees for our farmers by 400%, Amerindian farmers moving their small produce had to pay $45,000 for a licence to do so; even the hucksters and donkey cart owners weren’t spared, as they were made to fork out an additional $9,500 to pay for licences which had previously cost less than $1000.
How much more hypocritical, deceitful, and insulting can it get?

Yours truly,
Alvin Hamilton