How the PPP/C Administration’s strategic vision is empowering youths for 2025 and beyond

Dear Editor,
As the world rapidly evolves, so, too, does the vision for a progressive and prosperous Guyana. At the heart of this vision is the PPP/C government’s unwavering commitment to youths’ empowerment. Recognizing that the future of our nation lies in the hands of the next generation, the Government has strategically placed young people at the core of its national development agenda. With a focus on entrepreneurship, education, leadership, and future industries, the administration is not only preparing youths to thrive, but is positioning Guyana for sustained growth in 2025 and beyond. Here’s how this vision is taking shape:
1. Nurturing young entrepreneurs for a dynamic economy: The PPP/C government understands that a robust and diversified economy depends on the ingenuity and innovation of its youths. That’s why it has implemented a range of initiatives designed to cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit among young people. By providing grants, low-interest loans, and comprehensive training programmes, the Government is enabling young entrepreneurs to launch and expand their businesses. These efforts are complemented by strategic policies to streamline business registration and reduce barriers, making it easier for youth-led startups to flourish.
The focus on entrepreneurship is not just about job creation; it’s about fostering a culture of innovation that would drive Guyana’s economic growth in the decades to come.
2. Expanding access to quality education and advanced skill development: Education is the bedrock of any thriving society, and the PPP/C government has made significant strides to ensure that every young person in Guyana has access to quality education. From early childhood development to higher education, the administration has increased funding, improved school infrastructure, and expanded access to scholarships, particularly in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Additionally, there is a concerted effort to promote technical and vocational education, recognizing that practical skills are essential for the modern workforce.
By investing in cutting-edge training facilities and fostering partnerships with global educational institutions, the Government is equipping youths with the knowledge and skills needed to compete on the world stage.
3. Fostering youth leadership and civic engagement: The PPP/C government’s commitment to youth extends beyond economic opportunities; it is about empowering young people to be active, informed, and engaged citizens. Through various national programmes and initiatives, Government is cultivating a new generation of leaders who are equipped to take on the challenges of tomorrow. Whether through youth councils, leadership workshops, or platforms that encourage dialogue on national policy, the administration is ensuring that the voices of young people are heard and valued.
This approach not only strengthens democratic governance, but also instills a sense of responsibility and national pride among youths, motivating them to contribute meaningfully to their communities and to the nation at large.
4. Preparing the youths for future-ready industries: With a strategic focus on diversification, the PPP/C government is preparing Guyana to become a leader in future industries, including renewable energy, information technology, and tourism.
Recognizing that the global economy is shifting, the administration is proactively developing programmes that train young people for careers in these emerging sectors. Investments in renewable energy projects, digital infrastructure, and sustainable tourism are creating new avenues for youth employment and entrepreneurship.
By partnering with international organizations and fostering innovation hubs, Government is not only preparing the workforce of tomorrow, but is also ensuring that Guyana remains competitive on the global stage.
5. Holistic approach to youth empowerment and national development: The PPP/C government’s strategic vision for youth empowerment is a holistic one that addresses both immediate and long-term needs. It encompasses economic, educational, and civic dimensions, recognizing that true empowerment is multi-faceted. This approach has led to the development of national programmes that provide mentorship, mental health support, and career guidance, ensuring that young people are not just skilled, but are well-rounded, confident and resilient. By nurturing this holistic development, Government is fostering a generation that is capable of leading Guyana into a prosperous future.
The PPP/C government’s focus on youth is not a mere policy; it is a strategic mandate, a vision that seeks to harness the potential of the nation’s greatest asset: its young people. By investing in education, fostering entrepreneurship, and preparing for the industries of the future, the administration is laying a solid foundation for sustainable development.
As Guyana moves forward, it is this forward-thinking approach that would propel the nation to new heights, ensuring that the future we build is one of prosperity, innovation and inclusivity. The PPP/C government is not just preparing us for tomorrow; it is empowering us to lead, to innovate, and to be the architects of a brighter, more prosperous Guyana in 2025 and beyond.

BR Razack