Home News Hugh Wooding Law School moves online for academic year
The Trinidad-based Hugh Wooding Law School (HWLS) has announced that it will be moving all its activities online, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, for the 2020-2021 academic year which is expected to commence on September 28. 
In a notice to students, HWLS explained that Council of Legal Education – Hugh Wooding Law School (CLE-HWLS) has been reviewing the method of delivery of its programmes and is being guided by the principles of ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of both students and staff while achieving the learning outcomes without compromising quality and using innovative methods in its approach to teaching and learning. It was on that basis that the decision was made to leverage technology to enhance the students’ experience.
The school said that the registration process for both new and returning students will be conducted online between September 21-25. Students will be provided with detailed registration packages comprising of concise step by step guidelines to successfully complete the registration process and all relevant supporting documents. It informed that the packages would include: registration guidelines, registration form, payment of fees guidelines, student data form, incoming student brochure, principal’s information brochure, schedule of fees, medical data form, and library information form.
Following registration, the orientation week would commence on September 28 and run until October 2 online as well. All of the activities during this week will be conducted via Zoom or Google Meet, the two videoconferencing platforms used at the CLE-HWLS. Additional information will be made available to students during the academic year via the TWEN page of the Senior Tutor’s Office.
Since all classes for the first year would be conducted online, the school is advising students to make sure they have a functional laptop or desktop equipped with a webcam and microphone. Additionally, the computer system should have, at least, 250 GB hard drive or higher; 4 GB of RAM or higher; 2.0 GHz Intel or AMD Processor; Windows 10 or Mac OS 10.10 or later; Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox 48 or later; anti-virus programme (updated regularly); Microsoft Office; and high-speed Internet (hard-wired or wireless).
If students choose to use a smartphone, instead of a laptop, HWLS advises that the operating software should be iOS 7.0 or later, iPadOS 13 or later, or Android 4.0x or later. Also, javascript and cookies should be enabled in the web browser.
Teaching begins on October 5, and all classes will be taught online until December 18, 2020, or as may be advised in further updates. HWLS will provide students with instructional sessions using Zoom, Google Meet and TWEN.
The school told students that access to the Law School will be limited due to the COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines. Priority will be given on a first come first served basis to students who may need access to the internet or who may wish to use the June Renie Law Library (JRLL) or who may need to be present on campus for other identified reasons.
It is expected that students will attend the online classes from their homes. Nonetheless, those who may need access to the internet, efforts will be made to allocate some spaces for this purpose at the law school.
“As soon as circumstances permit, the course of study will be delivered both in-person and remotely/online. The remote/online sessions will be both synchronous and asynchronous,” HWLS stated.
Synchronous – in-person and online via Zoom or Google Meet at times set out in the timetable. On registration, all new students will be given an hwlsedu.com e-mail address which is the only e-mail address for all communications between students and the staff of the CLE-HWLS. It also gives students access to G Suite. The Zoom or Google Meet link for remote/online classes will be sent via this email address only.
Asynchronous – Using TWEN and G Suite, course directors will post videos, PowerPoint presentations and other materials for review by students in their own time. Students are required to pay attention to any guidelines that may accompany the material including familiarising themselves with the material in order to effectively participate in the synchronous classes.
Students will be required to attend classes at the scheduled time set out in the timetable to be published by the Senior Tutor’s Office. Following registration, the Senior Tutor’s Office will also publish the seminar groups. Legal Aid sessions will be conducted both remotely and in-person in 2020. However, until December 18, 2020, or as may be advised in further updates, all sessions will be conducted remotely.
The introduction to the JRLL and its services will be done in two online sessions. Training will also be done online in two sessions for each of the following databases, LexisNexis, Westlaw and Justis.
“Since the circumstances in the region as a result of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic are still very fluid, students will be advised if there are any changes to the teaching and learning methodology as well as any other matters that impact the delivery of the programme,” HWLS noted. (G2)