Home Letters Hughes gets a ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card, while Bronchalo is attacked
Dear Editor,
The Opposition are at it again, this time attacking Fulcrum LNG and its CEO Jesus Bronchalo. The main gripe of the Opposition is that the Government was aware of “the company’s link to US oil giant ExxonMobil…”
One newspaper took it upon itself to research Mr. Bronchalo and Fulcrum. What did it discover? Well, it discovered that Bronchalo has 19 years of direct experience in oil and gas. Rather than applaud the unquestionable experience of the Fulcrum CEO, that newspaper has chosen to represent it in negative light. This is the same local newspaper that regularly whines about inexperienced people and firms getting contracts.
What is worse is that this same newspaper has given Nigel Hughes a ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card, even though his law firm Hughes, Fields, and Stoby likely provided advice to ExxonMobil at times when the Government of Guyana was in direct negotiations to maximize outcomes for our people.
Fulcrum LNG and Mr Bronchalo will be of great value to Guyana. In the meantime, Mr. Hughes and the AFC must tell the people how it is that they can represent the interests of the oil major while at the same time accuse the PPP of working with Exxon to develop our hydrocarbon resources.
Alvin Hamilton