IAC will not be silenced nor intimidated

Dear Editor,

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) has noted the response by Lincoln Lewis in other sections of the media on August 13, 2016 to the organisation’s letter to the editor regarding President Granger’s statement and the proposed establishment of the communal Lands Commission which is supposed “to rectify the anomalies and resolve the controversies which, up to now, surround thousands of hectares of communal lands which were purchased in the post-Emancipation village movement.”

The IAC will not be intimidated by this type of baseless attack and will not dignify the false assertions made by Lincoln Lewis. It seems as if the IAC has no right to query and articulate the concerns of its constituents as the organisation attempts to seek clarification on the legality of this proposed communal Lands Commission.

The IAC will not be silenced nor be intimidated.

Yours Sincerely,

Saira Alli


Indian Action
