IDCE graduates commended for “breaking barriers”

…as 197 graduate from 2021 programmes

The University of Guyana’s Institute of Distance and Continuing Education (IDCE) on Friday evening awarded 197 students across its five centres for successfully completing their 2021 programmes.
The graduating students – from Anna Regina, Bartica, Berbice, Georgetown and Linden – were presented with their certification in a virtual ceremony.
Vice Chancellor of UG, Professor Paloma Mohamed-Martin, in her address to the graduates, underscored that by overcoming challenges to continue their education, they have broken the barriers of helplessness by which many are limited.

IDCE Valedictorian Samuel Elton Headley

“People and conditions of our lives can teach us to be helpless… Many of you in IDCE have broken that barrier. It doesn’t matter how many times you tried and failed. No matter how many times you think that principle should hold, I want those of you listening – who could not continue this year; who are thinking (that) because you have children, because of your age, because of your circumstances in life, that the boat has gone for you and you can’t catch it – (to know) there is no such thing in this life as not being able to change your circumstances,” the Vice Chancellor iterated.
To reach every corner of Guyana, she revealed, the University is moving to introduce mobile classrooms next year, aligned with its five-year agenda.
Dr Mohamed-Martin shared, “Next year, we’re moving into a blended mode, and, of course, we are going to be working on our experiments of mobile classrooms with IDCE, as we begin to roll out the five-year plan of reaching everyone that we can reach; fulfilling the University of Guyana’s first aspirational goal in our blueprint for 2040: one graduate per household.”
Additionally, Director of the IDCE, Dr Jacqueline Murray, highlighted that learning is not only classroom-based, and persons should scan for opportunities which can enhance their educational portfolios.
The IDCE Valedictorian was Samuel Elton Headley, who pursued Industrial Relations and Management. The Best Graduating Students were Bibi Nazima Harrynarine for the Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety; Yolanda Alyssa Harris-Chapman for Supervisory Management; Phillip Gordon for Introduction to Social Work I; Candasie Alicia Simon-Walters for Introduction to Social Work II; Gladwin Telston Hanover for Introduction to Human Resource Management; Lindon Romaine Barkoye for Occupational Health and Safety; Donetta Loreanna Doris for Office Administration; Jasmine Kelly Abrams for Mathematics; and Zynia Abrams for Social Studies.
The valedictorian, in his speech, expressed, “I did not allow the late start to stop me from achieving my goals; and, at the moment, I trusted God. I know that the Industrial Relations and Management programme was the right choice for me.”
The keynote address was delivered by Technical Solutions Consultant at Halliburton Landmark, Celia Garcia-James, who lauded the resilience of the graduates to continue their studies during the pandemic.
“Over time, we have witnessed the importance of distance learning growing exponentially; and with the pandemic, we saw how it was embraced by everyone due to convenience. But it is not always easy; as human beings, we need face-to-face interactions. Therefore, the fact that you overcame all these challenges in the middle of a global pandemic makes this day even more remarkable,” said Garcia-James.
Since its establishment in 1976, the programmes offered by the IDCE have grown to include a Diploma in Youth in Development; Industrial Relations and Management; Early Childhood Education; Introduction to Developmental Psychology; Language and Communication; Occupational Health and Safety certificate; and Diploma in Administrative Professional Secretaries, among others. (G12)