Ignoring reports is general outcome of investigations conducted

Dear Editor,
The UNICEF Report on the state of dorms countrywide was as revealing as it was damaging. From what is circulating in the public domain, it seems that the Report’s findings and recommendations were not acted on.
This is the general outcome: Studies and investigations are conducted, with millions spent, but nothing is heard of the findings and recommendations of these exercises. No follow-up is ever heard about the investigations. Of note are the several investigations supposedly carried out on hospital deaths, maternity in particular, but nothing is ever heard on the outcomes of these investigations. Reports are left to gather dust, and successive administrations are unmindful of the existence of these investigations and reports.
Now the horrific Mahdia fire has revealed that a study commissioned by the Ministry and conducted by an international agency on dorms is only now made public, highlighting deficiencies and inadequacies. Failure to act on the report has resulted in damning consequences.
It is difficult to understand the perceived indifference to the report that you commissioned.

Shamshun Mohamed