IKO Academy of Guyana pays courtesy call on Minister Ramson Jnr
The International Karate Organization [IKO] Academy of Guyana recently paid a courtesy call on Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, the Honourable Charles Ramson Jr, at his office on Main Street, Georgetown.
L-R: Vice President Waynewright Orderson; Karatekas Tyler Orderson, 3rd Dan; Tashana Wong, 3rd Dan; Aliya Wong, 3rd Dan; Professor Aubrey Mendonca; Hon Minister Charles Ramson Jr; Shihan Jeffrey Wong, 7th Dan; Eulex Stephens, Committee Member; Karateka Chelsea Ram, 2nd Dan; Trevor Hurry, Committee Member; Karateka Otto Harris, 2nd Dan
Led by the Chairman and Chief Instructor of the IKO Academy of Guyana, Shihan Jeffrey Wong, 7th Degree Black Belt, the delegation included Vice Chief Instructor and Vice Chairman, Professor Aubrey Mendonca; Vice President Waynewright Orderson; Committee Members Trevor Hurry and Eulex Stephens; and Karatekas Aliya Wong, Third Dan; Tyler Orderson, Third Dan; Tashana Wong, Third Dan; Otto Harris, Second Dan; and Chelsea Ram, Second Dan.
Waynewright Orderson detailed to the Minister the Academy’s plans for developing the sport of Karate-do in Guyana over the next five years and beyond, and made proposals on how the Academy could collaborate with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport to advance the martial arts and combat sport throughout the length and breadth of Guyana.
Professor Aubrey Mendonca pointed out to the Minister that, contrary to the belief held in some quarters, martial arts classes do not make youngsters violent. He asserted that juvenile delinquents in Guyana could benefit from those classes to aid in their rehabilitation. He highlighted that learning karate can combat bullying, as research has shown that martial arts reduces physical and verbal aggression, theft, and vandalism.
He also indicated that, with the Ministry’s permission, the Academy intends to provide free classes to help rehabilitate delinquents at the Juvenile Holding Centre at Sophia and at the New Opportunity Corps (NOC) Holding Centre on the Essequibo Coast in Region Two.
Karateka Tyler Orderson, in his presentation to the Minister, dealt with the concept of sports tourism, particularly the discipline of karate-do and the impact it could have on our country’s economy. He shared his experiences and observations in North America and Asia, and urged that Guyana give some serious attention to this niche market through the hosting of more international martial arts tournaments and training camps.
He pointed out that sports tourism is a huge and growing industry around the world, with important economic implications for the sport, the event, and the impact of travel and tourism-related benefits on host destinations.
He expressed the belief that sports tourism could become a viable and sustainable component of Guyana’s overall tourism product, making a tangible contribution to national development.
Karateka Aliya Wong underscored the benefits that karate training can have on the children of Guyana: in helping them to build their self-confidence and emotional skills so they have the chance to reach their full potential in everything they do.
She proffered the desire of the IKO Academy of Guyana to introduce Karate classes in the school system all across Guyana. This would be done through the Physical Education curriculum, since the physical education and sport syllabus of CSEC offered by CXC includes karate-do as one of the subject areas.
Miss Wong said that although the benefits are there for all to see, some people still regard martial arts as a violent physical activity, rather than as a form of self-defence, and she suggested that the best way to get rid of such false ideas was to promote the true value of martial arts in the schools.
Shihan Jeffrey Wong assured the Minister that even though Guyana is in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic like every other country in the world, it is his intention, when it is considered safe and responsible to resume training, to abide by the Ministry of Health and Government of Guyana restrictions and recommendations regarding limits on social gatherings, physical distancing and hygienic measures.
The Chief Instructor outlined to the Minister the protocols that the Academy has developed for the various clubs/dojos under its purview to reduce risk as they return to karate training during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. First, there will be the physical distancing requirements, wherein all participants, coaches and staff must keep a physical distance of 2m apart at all times, and physical contact of any kind would not be permitted. Second, there will be the rigorous sanitisation requirements for the proper sanitation of all areas within their dojos, including all equipment being disinfected after each individual use, including all high contact surfaces such as doorknobs, counters and benches, which must be wiped before the start of every class. Additionally, all mats and washrooms will have to be sanitised daily, preferably after each session (class).
Basic hygiene rules such as handwashing and not touching one’s face would be strictly enforced in the clubs/dojos. Hand sanitisers would be available upon entry into the club/dojo as well as within the training areas. Third, there will be strict adherence to public gathering requirements, to ensure that all dojos comply with maximum public-gathering limits.
The Minister thanked the delegation for its visit, and assured the Academy that as an avid sportsman himself, he and the Ministry are committed to working along with all sporting bodies for the benefit of the people of Guyana.