Illegally occupying State assets for lengthy time makes it right?

Dear Editor,
The PNC’s logic thus far is that you illegally occupy a spot of ground or property and automatically it makes you the owner of that property. This is the foolishness this party is peddling and hope that it gains traction in a modern and civilised society.
The idea that one can illegally occupy state property for political purposes and be made a legitimate occupant has been an erroneously held view by the PNC Party for far too long, and it’s high time for this nonsense to stop.
So, if we are to follow that same logic, then it behooves us to accept the lie that, based on the number of years the PNC have fraudulently occupied the national seat of Government makes them legally entitled to Government? Then it forces me, as an individual, to sheepishly make them the real owners of this country and give them the right to rule. We know that to be the most ludicrous point to hold on to, even in the best of times.
So, this is what we are faced with in Guyana: a party that believe they can flagrantly disregard the law and get away with it. This is unacceptable behaviour even in the best of times. How can a party justify their lawlessness so shamelessly? It shocks me to the core that an Opposition can so boldly defend a lawless act, the base reasoning power of the PNC knows no bounds.
So, here you have it: a party that is prepared to go the lengths to prostitute the law, thinking civilised society should accept it.

Neil Adams