Implement sanctions against this illegal Granger Administration now

Dear Editor,
It has now been over 37 days since General Elections took place in Guyana and to date, we are no closer to getting a bona fide result. All local and international observers have declared Region Four results as highly fraudulent.
The western countries have condemned the results and proclaimed that they would not recognise a transition of Government based on fraudulent results and threatened sanctions against Guyana. Influential western Governments of the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, the European Union and the Caribbean have condemned in the strongest possible terms that they will not tolerate a dictatorship or a coup d’etat in Guyana.
Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State pledged US support towards ensuring a free, fair, transparent and credible recount of the ballots. But this illegal cabal headed by Granger and his functionaries within GECOM continues to frustrate the re-tabulation process.
The time has now come for this illegal cabal of the PNC/APNU/AFC to personally feel the consequences of holding an entire country at ransom. We, therefore, call on all western powers to immediately start implementing ‘soft’ sanctions against Guyana directed specifically to this criminal cabal, their families, relatives and vocal supporters living in western countries. We specifically urge the following: –
1. Rescind all visas held by the caretaker President and his entire family and relatives including children, in-laws, and others. Freeze all assets held by the entire family including monies held in bank accounts, shares in companies and property assets. Cancel all their student visas and ask the students to return to Guyana.
2. Repeat the above to all his illegal Ministers including the caretaker President’s fraudulent functionaries in GECOM.
3. Rescind all dual citizenship granted to vocal supporters of relatives of the PNC/APNU/AFC cabal living in western countries and ask them to return to Guyana. Specifically, remove the dual citizenship of a prominent columnist (if he has one), for the Kaieteur newspaper, who has called for the destruction of ballot boxes and the swearing-in of Granger as President based on fraudulent results. He should be charged for inciting criminal behaviour and destruction of election material.
4. All oil receipts for Guyana held by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or any other banking institution in the world should be frozen and not be disbursed to this illegal Government.
These are the beginning of sanctions to be levied against this criminal cabal and will continue to escalate from ‘soft’ to ‘severe’ should the situation deteriorate and Granger is transitioned into swearing-in as President.

Harry Beharry