The National Insurance Scheme (NIS) represents an important pillar of support during the time of need and retirement for the working class, since it has assisted in providing sustenance during difficult times, and, therefore, the importance of the NIS must not be overlooked.
NIS Building
This is according to the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG), which on Monday commended NIS on 50 years of service.
FITUG noted that NIS represents and provides support during the time of need for past or present workers, since it has provided some degree of comfort to workers during their golden years.
FITUG elaborated that NIS’ Golden Anniversary comes at a time when the trade union movement commemorates the centennial anniversary of the nation’s first trade union organisation and it is a remarkable achievement as the nation has the distinction of establishing the first workers’ organisation in the then British Colonial Empire.
“We draw this reference to point out that the call for the establishment of a Scheme similar to the NIS emanated from the trade union movement. History has recorded that at the first conference of Regional Trade Union Leaders held in January 1926 at the Public Building, leaders of the movement called on their respective Governments to establish social security schemes. Indeed, it is to the credit of the movement and the forward-thinking outlook of leaders that today we commemorate the Scheme’s golden jubilee.”
It was also revealed that the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) has faced challenges and difficulties since the recent actuarial report does not paint a blissful picture.
FITUG stressed that it is most depressing and causes a great deal of worry and anxiety since the actuaries have recommended several painful measures which need to be considered against the contemporary context of Guyana. The Federation had expressed its views on the suggestions proffered, pointing out that they are not in the interest of the Guyanese working people who stand to be deleteriously affected.
It was noted that the NIS remains, practically, the only contributory pension scheme for a large number of Guyanese and, therefore, the long-term survival and sustenance of the Scheme is not a question. There must be an unequivocal statement for its continuance, and all measures to ensure such possibilities should not be disregarded but pursued.
On Tuesday last NIS unveiled a commemorative stamp to mark its 50 years of service to the citizens of Guyana during a simple ceremony at the Umana Yana, where the agency’s long-standing service to Guyana and the significance of its existence for the past years were praised.