Importers of vehicles with used tyres will be fined – GRA reminds

Importers of vehicles with used tyres, including the spares, will have to face fines from next month, the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) warned in a statement on Wednesday.

“(GRA) hereby informs vehicle importers and the general public that effective June 1, 2017, persons importing vehicles with used tyres, including the spare, which do not conform to the stipulated standards set out following the recently-amended laws will be required to pay fines for each tyre not in conformity,” the revenue body said.

The categories of motor vehicles for which used tyres are restricted include motor cars, vans, sport utility vehicles, pick-ups, buses and other similar vehicles. The GRA added that the restriction excludes heavy-duty vehicles such as trucks, lorries, vehicles used in the agricultural and industrial sectors, and special purpose vehicles.

Following the February 1, 2017 imposition of the ban on used tyres, in accordance with Part II of the Second Schedule to the Customs Act (List of Restricted Imports), the Authority had allowed a one-month phase-in period.

During that period, tyres on used vehicles were allowed entry into the country once the vehicles were purchased and shipped prior to April 1, 2017. Importers were told that if vehicles with used tyres were brought in thereafter, they would face the penalty.

However, the GRA in Wednesday’s missive pointed out that while the controversial restriction on used tyres became effective on April 1, it has been observed that vehicles were still being imported with used tyres. The standard set for used tyres to be allowed (once they were imported with the vehicle) is no less than 6mm in measurement.

“This standard was set and is being monitored by GRA in conjunction with the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS). However, when tyres are imported separately, only brand new tyres shall be allowed into the country. This measure also became effective April 1 in accordance with the amended Law,” the tax agency noted.

Importers of used tyres on vehicles not in conformity with the 6 mm and over standard will be fined for each category of tyres – $10,000 for motor cars, vans, minibuses; and $15,000 for SUVs and pick-up vehicles.

“It must be noted that importers of vehicles not in conformity will be required to pay the fines per tyre prior to the vehicles being released by Customs,” the tax body noted.

Moreover, the GRA reminded that the Customs duty charged on new tyres was reduced from 30 to 15 per cent effective February 1, 2017.

Even as Government forges ahead with implementing the new law, the Guyana Used Tyres Association continues to protest the move, staging several picketing exercises to get Government to reverse the ban, but to no avail.

The Association has even submitted a petition with over 100 signatures. According to information supplied by the dealers, used tyres cost between $3000 and $5000, whereas new ones would be more than two times that price, as they lament the impact the ban has had on the livelihood of used tyres dealers.