Impose individual sanctions now

Dear Editor,
Personal sanctions should be applied immediately by international communities to APNU/AFC members and GECOM officials, who have continued to derail Guyanese democracy.
Since the close of polls on March 2, 2020, and continuing to date, their actions to cultivate “get away ideologies” from a democratic process is evident to all rational Guyanese. Further, all of us will agree to the fact that the democratic and ethical principles associated with the electoral process has diminished.
In this context, can we, as Guyanese, accept as gospel that Mr. Ramjattan would congratulate Dr. Alli, our new president, when the recount process is over? Mr. Ramjattan knew that the PPP/ C won the elections since March 3rd, 2020, and should have accepted the results and congratulated Dr. Alli almost seven weeks ago.
Do we believe this seemly sober and democratic portrait that they are seeking to present to our nation; a new, defined thinking, when we all know their speeches contradict a democratic action?
After all, the undemocratic events unfolding since 2018 NCM to present, the recount process and conclusion of the 2020 general and regional elections seems far from over. Are we to believe that APNU/AFC and GECOM’s architects would ensure that a transparent and uninterrupted recount process will be done after all their sinister motives embedded with deeply undemocratic tactics are evolving as the new normal daily?
The evidence is clear: that key architects within APNU/ AFC and GECOM are ascribing to have power at any cost, whereby derailing our democratic values and principles.
The international community should apply personal sanctions now to these individuals for the beginning of restoration of democracy in Guyana.
Cut the rope now!

Yours sincerely,
Richard Moore

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