Farmers residing in Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) have been assured that with the installation of the PPP/C Government, their livelihoods would be improved, and dilapidated and unsatisfactory working conditions that currently exist would be a thing of the past.
Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha during one of the meetings on Wednesday (DPI photo)
Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha gave the farmers this assurance when he led a technical team to several communities within Region Three on Wednesday. The Department of Public Information has reported that the Canals Polder numbers One and Two were among the communities visited and inspected by the team.
The need for proper drainage and irrigation at several canals was brought to the Minister’s attention, as well as the lack of water to farmlands. One resident spoke of the terrible infrastructure on the main thoroughfare which provides access to farms.
While some of the burning issues highlighted could not have been addressed immediately, given their magnitude, others issues received immediate intervention by the Minister.
Listening to questions regarding the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), the Minister indicated that works have already begun on the revamping of the sector. He said that with establishment of a new board at the entity, management would be reorganised to allow for effective production.
Minister Mustapha said Government is committed to fulfilling all of its manifesto promises. “In the Agriculture sector, we have to ensure that our farmers get the kind of infrastructural work and support that are needed, so that there will be massive production,” he was quoted by DPI as saying.
Pointing out that agriculture as an industry is significant to the nation, the Minister stated that he would be putting “all hands on deck” to safeguard food security in Guyana. He also relayed that the extension services at the Ministry of Agriculture would see major improvement.
“When I took over the Ministry, I found that there was a lack of leadership. The Ministry had no direction. Now we have to focus our attention on certain objectives. One of those objectives is to ensure that we have maximum production,” he explained.
The Minister reminded that until there is a budget in place, some issues will not be addressed. He said a proposal was submitted to the Finance Ministry in preparation for an emergency budget.
“Hopefully, if those projects and our estimate are granted, we will have more resources to assist our farmers,” the Agri-Minister said.
Meanwhile, the Agriculture Ministry plans to stretch its resources to make life better for farmers.