In face of sure defeat, PNC is clutching at straws

Dear Editor,
The PNC/PNCR/APNU or whatever the terminology you may wish to call that party is clutching at straws, in their recent nit-picking exercise to derail the soon-to-be-held Local Government Elections. They contend that the list is flawed and riddled with errors; ghosts are on the list.
This is not the first attempt at this strategy, because you will recall that they tried this very same plan of action in the March 2020 Election. In that attempt when cornered with sure defeat, they resorted to the narrative that it was a bloated or ghost election list that brought the PPP/C to power. But this propaganda theory did not last long because, it was on that very list The PNC’s Victory was calculated on.
So, in real terms what they were saying is that the list worked well for them, but not for the PPP/C. That base reasoning strategy could not hold much weight so they are now reverting back to the original plan of calling on GECOM to either “cleanse the list” or postpone the elections. Here again, their reasoning clause lacks merit, as the cleansing of the list was already done in the claims and objection period which saw the PNC not producing single evidence of fraudulent names on the list. The GECOM Chairwoman attested to the fact that no evidence was presented to the commission.
The PNC is now engaging a court of law to somehow stop The June 12th LGE. They will not succeed because all avenues to vent their allegations have already passed and we should be on our way to the elections. But what Norton is not telling us is the fact that in this LGE, his party is just about to suffer the most crushing defeat ever, and this is going to come in the municipal areas.
For over five decades, they have held sway in these constituencies and now, all of that is about to change, they are about to suffer an embarrassing defeat!
Last Nomination Day the leader of the opposition got the shock of his life when he witnessed hardcore members of his party cross the floor to join the PPP/C’s Team. That shocker was enough to cause him to now mourn on the side-lines.
The huge problem for Mr Norton and his party is whether to accept defeat gracefully and bow out or, suffer the ignominy of resorting to lies and deceit. Mr Norton has chosen the latter, in that case, his fall will be great!

Neil Adams