Dear Editor,
Guyanese have a lot to “laff” about over any gaff. It’s the next cheapest thing left and not to miss when you reminisce. Take for instance Mr David Granger. He was once a leader leading a nation to stagnation. Today, he is a leader in supposition for the opposition. As a President, he was a resident in hiding. Today, he is not a President but still hiding as a resident. Even a bat knows the difference between day and night. How can you trust a guy who cannot make up his mind? Lil Joe refused to say bye to Canada but now wants to say hi to Canada.
At one time, he doesn’t see the Government. Another time, he wants the same Government to recognise him. Is he confused or not properly fused? Is there a change of heart or art with the Leader of the AFC? First he concedes to a defeat but now recedes for a feat. He says one thing to the Trinis but by the time he’s brought back to Guyana’s soil, he changes his story. Wonder where the old chap was really looking? Didn’t he see when the guns were walking out or the millions of dollars were escaping from right under his eyes?
Poor Cathy, she’s always losing stuff. First, she lost the Russians, then an election and now her laptop. If you cannot take care of your personal property, how can you take care of a nation? To own a business, the owner has to be known. Guess some cats do know how to purr really well.
When you don’t pay attention, you can lose your mind. Willow boy, no not Eric, is suffering from a commotion due to a demotion. Stumped by the CCJ in a hat-trick, he lost his promotion and became a laughing stock in the legal circle. He’s now being uprooted and sidelined by his team. Water boy status is still an impetus and hope for a recall someday. Aunty Volda is no longer being vulgar or a regular. She has been used by the PNC and is now being abused by the APNU/AFC. She has learnt a bitter lesson, but, it’s not too late. In hindsight, foresight is recommended.
Winston didn’t know whose gold was being sold. Perhaps, with Venezuela’s claim, Guyana’s and Venezuela’s gold is the same. It made no difference to him. As an economist, he sure knew how to economise his answers, “I cannot recall, I am not aware, I cannot remember.” No wonder Guyana was plagued with so many financial misappropriations and a bankrupt economy! Oh, Moses, it would have been better to depart in the sea rather than return from the mountain. For one who was cheated by the PNC, robbed by the AFC and defeated by the PPP/C, he sure doesn’t know how to take matters lying down or when to call it a day.
Is Dr Karen Cummings still on her Sabbath and taking some time for relaxation? She tried to give the marching orders to international election observers including diplomats but was sent marching herself. Quite an infamous mix-up story like Guyana’s famous cook-up rice. Uncle Ralph doesn’t know how much money he really has. To begin with, he couldn’t afford a huge alimony but then had a humungous amount to splash on a second matrimony.
A mate qualified to mitigate and negotiate sure knew how to deliberate. He did not debate when was time to claim a rebate for the state. Guess two per cent is a hundred per cent better than one per cent. One sure has to know when and whom to wine and dine with. Don’t feel bad or left out Aunty Amna. You’re still being represented. One Ali replaced another Ally, it’s that simple. What goes around, comes around.
Jai Lall