Dear Editor,
The GAWU one-day conference, titled “Sugar – too big to fail,” was held on September 04, 2018 at the Grand Coastal Hotel at Le Ressouvenir, East Coast Demerara. As it discussed the plight of the sugar workers, who are now jobless, it also took account of the ongoing struggles of our nation’s teachers, who at this time are seeking improved pay and working conditions.
Several speakers, during their interventions, reflected on the strike action taken by the teachers at this time. Arising from those discussions, the Conference approved the following resolution in support of the teachers and their protest actions:-
Whereas the teachers are in the forefront of educating our nation, and whereas the wages they receive cannot sustain them and their families;
Whereas this Conference on the future of the sugar industry in Guyana recognises the need for improvement in the benefits of our teachers,
Be it resolved that this Conference calls upon the Government to consider meeting the just demands of the teachers in an effort at ending the strike, or alternatively agree to take the dispute to arbitration.
Moving the resolution was FITUG’s President Carvil Duncan, and it was seconded by GTUC General Secretary Lincoln Lewis, and was fully endorsed by the Conference.
The GAWU also wishes to express its full solidarity with, and support for, our nation’s teachers, who are more than justified in their demands. They, like all workers and Guyanese, are only seeking to live a comfortable and fulfilling life, wherein they can afford the basic necessities.
Guyana Agricultural
and General Workers
Union (GAWU)