Incidents among inmates drop significantly in 2024 – Prisons Director

The Guyana Prison Service (GPS) has reported a notable decrease in incidents between inmates, attributed to various initiatives, including vocational training, behavioural modification programmes, and improved prison conditions.
According to Director of Prisons, Nicklon Elliot, more than 800 inmates participated in technical and vocational training programmes in 2024, which played a crucial role in reducing prisoner-to-prisoner conflicts.
“I must say that because of the training opportunities provided to prisoners, coupled with the enhancement of the prison facilities and the training provided to prison officers, incidents within the prison have significantly reduced,” Elliot remarked.

Director of Prisons, Nicklon Elliot

Prison incidents, which can range from violent assaults to escape attempts, self-harm, and trafficking of contraband, pose serious safety concerns for both inmates and staff. However, Elliot emphasised that the improvements within the system have had a positive impact on overall safety.
The GPS currently offers 25 different training programmes aimed at addressing the various offences committed by prisoners. The training, which spans technical, vocational, and behavioural modification, helps prepare inmates for reintegration into society after their release.
Elliot highlighted that two vocational schools have been established at Lusignan and Timehri Prisons and will soon be equipped with the necessary tools to provide even more training opportunities. Additionally, trade shops have been constructed at both Lusignan and New Amsterdam Prisons to further expand the scope of inmate education.
“The prison administration will continue to create opportunities for staff improvement, rehabilitation of inmates, thus paving the way for a successful integration of those persons and to reduce the likelihood of reoffending,” Elliot explained. “We are also working to address the issue of stigma and discrimination faced by this population.”
In addition to educational initiatives, the prison system has implemented several measures to ensure that any complaints or issues raised by inmates or staff are promptly addressed. These mechanisms include weekly meetings with prisoners and staff, daily visits by welfare officers, medical officers, and duty officers, as well as oversight by the Sentence Management Board and the Prison Visiting Committees.
Elliot also emphasised his role in overseeing the facilities, noting that he is required to visit all prison locations quarterly, with the option of addressing any concerns raised before these visits if requested by the prisoners.
“The reduction in incidents is not just about training and facility improvements; it’s also about making sure prisoners have access to the right channels for voicing their concerns,” said Elliot. “This approach has helped create a more stable environment within our prisons.”