
…and imitation
If there was need for proof of the bankruptcy of this PNC-led Government to run the state in a manner to actually DEVELOP Guyana, it’s their facilitation of this monstrosity called “Guyana Carnival,” being dumped on us. Back in 1970, the Jaycees of Linden launched a poor man’s imitation of Trinidad’s carnival: they slapped on a made-up “Amerindian” name – Mashramani – and Bingo!! The PNC decided that’s how we’d celebrate our Republic Day: “Tramping” behind floats and wining down to “hot music” in various states of undress.
Brought to Georgetown the following year, as the economy crumbled, it was left to the PNC Government – which had nationalised everything else! – to become the main sponsors of the “floats”. Since there was no “bread” for the “small man,” it appeared the PNC would give their supporters a “circus”!! Maybe it was also a genuflection to the sybaritic aftermath to the “revolution” by Cuffy and comrades back in 1763!!
When the PPP came into office in 1992, for a couple of years, it appeared Government’s support had waned. The PPP’s riposte that they were focusing funds to fix the economy didn’t cut any ice: man couldn’t live on bread alone!! The PNC launched huge protests about the PPP suppressing “we kulcha”! The PPP then bigged-up Mash to the hilt from then on. Not that it earned them any goodwill!!
But with this Guyana Carnival, there isn’t even a nod to commemorating a NATIONAL event of supreme importance – Independence Day – with anything “indigenous”. While it’s billed as a “private” event – so was the original Mash – the PNC Government have gone all out since the Jubilee Bash in 2016 to shifting their priorities onto Carnival as the “thing” to celebrate Independence.
Folks were wondering why the hurry to create a huge roundabout at the intersection of Vlissengen Road and the East Coast Highway – at a humungous cost of over $100 million – when the traffic flow doesn’t demand one for another decade. Well, now we know!! The “Playing Mas” parade on Independence Day will start there and continue to the even more expensive Jubilee “Wood Ants” Stadium ($1.5 billion!) The night before was the J’Ouvert imitation held at the Marriott!! Do these people KNOW what is J’Ouvert??
The Playing Mas segment doesn’t even pretend to be something other than the Trinidadian Mas bands with their exotic, costumed members wining down to the beat of the band. The organisers invited the folks from Trinidad to teach us how to imitate them better!! Seems our local efforts at Mash didn’t measure up.
Then there are other parties like “Scorch Duck Work” – as if Guyanese need another excuse to “duck wuk”!!
It’s a “shad, shad situation”!!

…and jealous spite
The Muckraker published an editorial ode to “freedom of the press”. It must’ve twisted its arm patting itself on the back for helping to oust the previous PPP regime! Nothing wrong with that. In the privately-owned media, publishers are free to pursue vendettas of their choosing while covering themselves in the cloak of “press freedom”. It’s an open secret that the said publisher, Mohan “Glen” Lall, AKA “the Mook”, demanded favours of the PPP Government, which were denied, and that sent him into a hissy fit. Look how the PNC-awarded radio licence has now muzzled his mouth!!
The Muckraker’s suggesting it’s now being “even-handed” in hounding this Government by attacking the Exxon contract. Now, two things: Firstly, the fella they’re attacking on the Exxon deal is Raphael Trotman, who was NEVER on their hit parade. Have they gone after Ramjattan in a comparable manner?
Secondly, they exposed their pique against Exxon when they attacked Carl Greenidge for revealing the Mook’s son-in-law’s failed bid to have the Exxon base!!
Would Exxon deal with a fella with a “shady past”??

…and acknowledgement
Your Eyewitness wasn’t surprised the father of Guyana’s independence, Dr Cheddi Jagan, didn’t get much play in the Independence celebrations.
Maybe it’s for the best. He was too classy for such bawdy debauchery!