Indian Culture International’s “Indian Legend Spectacular” which was scheduled for the National Cultural Centre on Saturday, October 15, will now be held in March 2017. The tentative dates for the event are March 10, 11 and 12.
The event will be held at the same time to celebrate the Indian Indentureship Centenary which is scheduled for March 13 – the same day when Guyanese celebrates the festival of colours.
Rakesh YankarranAnand Yankarran
However, the event will not lose its purpose as it is being held to celebrate Guyanese contribution to music. The event is dubbed the first Caribbean Indian Awards.
Devindra Pooran
The special red carpet affair will see awards being given out to several groups and individuals who have contributed to Indian music in Guyana and further afield. It is proposed that plaques will be given to the awardees.
Those listed to be awarded are Terry Gajraj, Anand Yankarran, Rakesh Yankarran, Kries Ramkhelawan, Mohan Nandu, Chate Singh, Tageman, Devindra Pooran, Ramkissoon Singh, and Sookrane Boodhoo.
Also receiving awards on the evening will be Virendra Persad, Music Director and leader of Trevini Band, Trinidad and Tobago. However, the evening will also see performances by the members of the Trinveni Band including KI, Nishard M and Neval Chatelal. There will also be performances by three renowned dance troupes.