Ingram Micro refutes partnership with Tagman Media on digital transformation

United States-based technology distribution and supply chain solutions services provider Ingram Micro has distanced itself from any partnership with Guyana’s Tagman Technology.
Tagman Technology, an innovative digital and communications solutions provider in Guyana, in a recent press release claimed to have forged a partnership with Ingram Micro to propel digital transformation and deliver state-of-the-art solutions to organisations in Guyana.
Following that publication, however, Micro Ingram has stated that this information was not approved or authorised by the company, and contains a series of misrepresentations that have misled local technology companies in Guyana.
“In this case, Ingram Micro has never had any meetings, conversations or plans to partner, participate in a joint venture, or collaborate as associates with Tagman Technologies or their affiliate companies (Tagman Media or Housty Designs). Not one employee belonging to Ingram Micro is in the picture posted where it states there are representatives there,” the US-based company clarified.
According to Ingram Micro, “…there are vendors (such as Apple, Cisco, Adobe) mentioned in the publication, and Tagman does not have the appropriate authorizations to resell their products, because those companies require a prior registration with them.”
The US-based company has since sent a communication to Tagman to cease to publish any new articles with these sorts of statements.
Consequently, on Wednesday, Tagman Technology retracted the press release, which it says “inaccurately characterises” the relationship between Tagman Technology and Ingram Micro.
“We apologise for the confusion and misrepresentation caused by this publication. Upon thorough review and in response to the concerns raised by Ingram Micro, we acknowledge that the press release contained statements that were misleading,” the Guyanese company stated.
Tagman went on to also clarify that the company is an authorised reseller of only Microsoft products, and not those of the vendors mentioned in the previous release (Adobe, Apple, Amazon Web Services, CISCO, Google).