Home Letters Interesting developments on Guyana’s political landscape
Dear Editor,
While it comes as no new phenomenon — that is: the concerted effort to remove the PPP/C from government; and in both instances, the APNU/AFC are the intellectual authors — the present imbroglio warrants our attention as to the methods employed to do so.
This plan is hatched in two forms. The first instance comes from internal wranglings between the two entities, the APNU and the AFC, each fighting with the other for the presidential spot. The APNU sit aloof, knowing fully well they are going to have the lion’s share of votes from any election; not enough to complete a clear win, but enough to secure the majority in any coalition. Hence, Norton’s self-confident claims to the presidential candidate spot.
Now, this is not going down well with the leader of the AFC, who is desperate for that position also. He opines that his candidacy might have a more profound influence on the political landscape. I do not know who gave him that bright idea, but he persists with his headship doctrine. How successful he would be with that notion is left to be seen.
I’ve said ‘left to be seen’ on the clear fact that this man has multiple baggage, which bares him unfit for public office. But, like I said, he revels in the thought that Norton has already ostracized himself from public trust, so let a “New Look AFC Leader” test the voting waters.
For this reason, the idea was born to form another party, Broomes’s ALP. Here, Hughes hopes to “pressure Norton” into submitting to his demands. We are talking about the divide and rule thesis. Broomes’s Party can only source votes from the PNC block, so up the ante on Norton to remove himself from leadership, or risk a further erosion at the polls.
The second plan enlists Mr. Mohamed to come into the political fray. He is a prominent philanthropist who is being encouraged by the Opposition to run for political office. This is a very good idea for a man who is doing commendable work in his charitable outreaches; however, he, too, has baggage that the PNC are now pinning on the PPP/C.
It is their claim that the incumbent are out to get him, and in the course of time, engage in a mudslinging campaign. This is furthest from the truth.
Isn’t it public knowledge that the APNU are the ones who have conjoined the PPP/C to the Mohameds, claiming that the union was a result of dirty money being laundered in this country? Yes, the facts are there to prove it!
In like manner, they had done this before when they hitched Roger Khan to the PPP/C. In that union, Guyana was blacklisted as a narco-state, and we see the same traits manifesting themselves again in the Mohameds’ union.
Their fringe elements in the USA shared this idea with the US Authorities, who immediately sanctioned the Mohameds, thus precluding them from investing in the shore base. This is typical PNC strategy, coming straight from their arsenal of con-artistry.
In his last dialogue with the media, VP Jagdeo warned Mr. Mohamed of this. He advised him that politics is a bruising battle, not for the weakhearted, and he must be prepared to face the challenge if and when he decides to run for office.
The same people who are cheerleading him on now are the same individuals who were digging his grave just a few months ago. The PNC is just using Mr. Mohamed as a pawn to gain political advantage.
Neil Adams