Int’l Press Communication Centre will strengthen ties between Guyana, China
The China International Press Communication Centre has been lauded as a valuable partner that will help to strengthen ties between Guyana and the People’s Republic of China.
Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Guo Haiyan and China’s Chargé d’Affaires to Guyana, Chen Xilai
This was expressed by Gordon French, a representative of the Public Affairs Minister, at the programme launch at the Chinese Embassy on Thursday.
The International Press Communication Centre is a programme which allows Journalists and media personnel from around the world to travel to gain knowledge of China’s culture, and to adequately report on the country’s affairs.
French highlighted that Public Affairs Minister Kwame McCoy has spoken about the importance of the programme for the State and private media. As such, two local Journalists were sent to China.
Members of the media, Chinese Embassy officials and students of the Confucius Institute attended the programme launch
“It is important that we continue, as a government, to ensure that the media and journalism continue to foster development, build capacity, and ensure that we have a very robust media in Guyana. It is part of the cornerstone of democracy, and we embrace it as a Government,” French expressed.
He thanked the Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Guo Haiyan for the opportunity, and expressed the Government’s hope that similar opportunities continue in the future.
National Communications Network (NCN) Chief Executive Officer Neaz Subhan also commended the programme.
Meanwhile, the Chinese Ambassador stated that the press communication centre was important, as misleading information often circulated about the country.
Hence, she said the programme aimed to edify participants on Chinese development, culture and society, to foster improved media coverage of the country and its way of operation, especially during the current modernisation period.
Students of the Confucius Institute of Guyana and China’s Chargé d’Affaires to Guyana, Chen Xilai were also present.