Dear Editor,
The Office of the Region Five Chairman wishes to publicly refute claims made by APNU/AFC Councillor Mr Abel Seetaram which were published on August 4.
Councillor Seetaram deliberately misled readers, and by extension the general public, by suggesting that the PPP Councillors of the Regional Democratic Council of Region #5 failed to submit projects to be included in the Region’s 2018 Budget proposals.
Mr Seetaram’s utterances are not only untrue and misleading, but are also demeaning, emanating from an elected representative and a sitting member of the Regional Democratic Council of Region #5, since a total of 144 projects from across Region #5 were collectively compiled by the PPP Councillors and submitted to the Office of the Regional Executive Officer on June 26, 2017. These submissions were signed for, and received, by the Secretary to the Regional Executive Officer.
We therefore demand an apology from Councillor Abel Seetaram, and call upon the REO, Mr Ovid Morrison, to issue a similar statement denouncing this irresponsible allegation made by the APNU/AFC Councillor.
Regional Chairman,
Region 5
Regional Vice-
Chairman, Region 5
Chairman – Works