Is David Hinds’ suggestion simply ridiculous or wicked?

Dear Editor,
So our friend David Hinds said “Scrap this election. Destroy those boxes. Install an Interim Government led by Granger as President and the PPP man as Prime Minister. Divide the Cabinet equally between the two sides. Go back to the old Parliament. Set up an Independent Commission tasked with structurally overhauling GECOM, changing the governance architecture and the electoral laws to ensure outcomes that are in keeping with power-sharing. Give them two years to do that and then go back to elections.”
Would all of that not be unconstitutional, David? Would the PNC not file fictitious, vexatious lawsuits if we did that? That would be nice for you David, won’t it? What’s in it for you? A Minister’s job? You must get credit for being a loyal unapologetic “black power” Africanist or as you put it having “fidelity to your ethnic identity,” notwithstanding the PNC kicked you and your friend, Lewis, out of the Chronicle. (Thanks to Mr Glen Lall for giving you a home). You took a licking and keep on ticking for the PNC. Here are some questions for David. If your PNC has won, why would you want to scrap the elections? If they won, they have a right to run the Government. The PPP would not have a problem with that. David, if the PNC did not win, and the PPP won why would you want the presidency to be given to “the man with the plan” Granger, and not to Dr Irfaan Ali? That would not be right. Is it? Or do you subscribe to Granger’s view that the “PNC is born to rule?” And you want us to do that to avoid “slo fiah, mo fiah?” Do you realise Dr Ali has more Government experience than the illegal, aloof, always missing-in-action illegal caretaker Mr Granger?
Dr Hinds, you became a national treasure in the late 70s and 80s when the struggle needed black voices to speak out, you and many in the WPA were among the decent Afro-Guyanese (along with Ogunseye, now a sellout) who fought against rigged elections and PNC dictatorship. That’s how you won the esteem and integrity you enjoyed up to about 2015. At great personal cost, you fought against Burnham’s 28 years of dictatorship, where the PNC appropriated the PPP’s votes and made themselves absolute rulers through the most vulgarly rigged elections. Remember they killed our hero Rodney. Your new solution goes against these principles for which you stood. You should find it abhorrent that every time the PNC is in power we have to be fighting to restore democracy. Don’t be on the side of the usual wicked, David. You had been a good man.
David, what you are suggesting is rigging. The SoPs show the PPP won, but you want to make Granger the President? That’s what Burnham did. Jagan won all those elections, but Burnham wanted to be President for life, so he stole it at every election. Surely, David, you share Granger’s view that the PNC somehow has some inalienable right to the throne, and that is similar to the biggest PNC rigger, Hoyte, who said his life’s mission was to make sure Jagan (PPP) never became President.
David, you said “destroy the boxes” then “go back to elections.” And so what would happen when we have those elections? The PNC supporters in their “fidelity to your ethnic identity” who dominate the military, State agencies and courts would again collude with the people running the elections, and cheat for the PNC as they are doing now. Can you not see that the root of the problem is the PNC is on an agenda to stay in power no matter what, and they have the military, Police, Judges, and other State collaborators and conspirators, and complicit church people to help them rig. If they can rig the 2020 SoPs and not count them with the help of the election body in front of our faces, which is the singular problem now, how will it be different in future elections?
David, you need to make a clear statement that the original SoPs need to be counted as they were doing when Pastor Mingo, the magician and miracle worker, created his fictitious “rigsheet.” David, it’s not too late for you to repent!

Jerry Singh