Dear Editor,
When you look at the Guyana landscape today the situation is pathetic and disgraceful to say the least. Items of foolishness and stupidity keep filling the air by the minute, that you have cause to ask yourself the question not, what will be the next event (that is already written up), but when would the next comedy take place.
Take, for example, the Freddie Kissoon court matter, this comedy should have been struck off the court records long ago. But, this is Guyana where anything goes. After six years, a simple misdemeanour matter is still very much alive in a civil court, could you believe that?
In fact, the matter is on to the point that the so-called victim is telling the court who to appoint to the bench to hear his ridiculous case. The story gets more hilarious when the alleged victim stated in clear-cut language that the two men held are “not the” individuals who threw faeces on him. Then why are we in court, why is there a court case? The answer to that question is, to have this pantomime show and to waste valuable time and money. If I may add the Government of the day who benefited from Freddie’s Foolishness may well have decided to get some more of his tantrums by re-opening a dead case to get some more amusement.
Freddie, on the other hand, does not realise that this is the trick and has since kept up the pace thinking that he is still either “looking good” or “smelling good” from that “miasmic substance attack”. In either case, the pathetic situation that is Guyana continues. Such is the situation with Patrick Yarde and his begging bowl buddies in the GPSU. Do they honestly think that this Government was in any way serious when it promised them a 20 per cent increase for public servants? Far from it! Like Mr Rohee cogently puts it “meat for the boys and bone for the workers”. There is no PNC-led Administration past or present that has in any way – shape or form – been sympathetic or helpful to the workers. I urge my readers to review historical records and you will see those undemocratic and draconian stances taken by the PNC regime. The PNC-led Administrations take away from workers rather than give to them, and no one, I repeat, no one in the GPSU or otherwise can do anything about it.
To think of it, Patrick Yarde and his comedian friends were very militant and aggressive during the time of the last Administration, making threats and carrying them out with strikes and other subversive acts, where is that militancy now? Has the Union lost its militancy? Seems that their militancy is for certain Governments and not others, sad situation indeed. Did I hear him say pay the public servants from the hidden accounts? Yes, I am absolutely sure that is what Yarde said, but were there hidden accounts in the first place? But aren’t these the same accounts the now Government, accompanied by their cheerleader union friends in the GPSU, said were stolen by the last Administration in one massive corruption scheme? How come these accounts are there now? Questions, and more questions in the Guyana Comedy show that is current. I must hasten to a close, but I would end on a sarcastic note just the way I’ve started “and they lived happily ever after”. Cheers to the “good life Guyana.”
Neil Adams