Is Ramjattan condoning DUI?

Dear Editor,
Last year the Commissioner of Police reported an increase of 90 per cent in driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol cases and more recently, the Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan has confirmed that there has been an increase in DUI cases.
However, even these increases which are being reported are far from what is really happening on our roads. Many persons who are the friends and relatives of the ‘big boys’ are allowed to go ‘scot free’. Recently, the media reported that a CPG liaison officer of Number 50 Village was arrested and charged for driving under the influence and the CPG vehicle he was driving was impounded at the Number 51 Police Station. He was placed on station bail. The breathalyser test proved that he was above the alcohol limit.
All charges have been dropped and the man is again merrily driving the same vehicle. While some CPG persons are being booted for simple infractions, some ‘rogues’ are allowed to enjoy the ‘good life’ no matter how big their crimes are.
I do hope that the Minister is able to offer some explanation as to why this ‘animal farm’ mentality exists in under his watch! Is he condoning it?

Yours sincerely,
Nowbatt Ram
Upper Corentyne