Is the GDF harbouring ‘ticking time bombs’?

Dear Editor,
My respect to the bereaved of the late Ms Reona Payne, who was gruesomely gunned down in public, and I would also like to include the kids of the accused, Captain Orwain Sandy; I am sorry that you are feeling the consequences.
I dare say that the deceased and accused were two selfish and irresponsible humans, playing Russian roulette and not thinking of the damages that the kids from both sides will encounter.
I have been following the press reports and social media forums, and though I am no expert on matters relating to the Guyana Defence Force, I am left to wonder about quite a lot.
Doesn’t the GDF offer the service of ‘Psychological Evaluation’ of its officers/ranks?
Didn’t anyone within the GDF ever see signals or signs of abnormal behaviour from Cpt. O. Sandy?
Even if it is accurate that the accused was seeing/visiting private doctors for the past two years because of mental issues, did the GDF know of his condition?
If they did, why was Cpt. O. Sandy still in possession of his firearm, knowing he was a threat to the general public?
Did the GDF/State fail Cpt. O. Sandy and other ranks currently serving by not providing the necessary services for their personal safety and that of the general public?
I am now left thinking that the Guyana Defence Force is filled with mentally dysfunctional and ‘ticking time bomb’ personnel.
Where do we go from here, and how do we fix the situation?

Yours faithfully,
T. Pemberton