Home Letters Is the US fact-finding delegation here to support Roysdale Forde’s bid to...
Dear Editor,
It concerns me, as it should concern any member of the People’s National Congress Reform, that party and Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton is not at the forefront as the US fact-finding delegation hears stories of PPP discrimination across the country.
From my own observation, it appears that the delegation’s presence here is merely to help Roysdale Forde’s campaign to become the next party and Opposition Leader. Forde has been leading the delegation around as it meets with party comrades across the country. He even met the delegation at the airport.
It is public knowledge that the delegation leader, President, and founder of the Organization of World Leaders, Dee Dawkins-Haigler, is very close to Forde, as he was one of the persons who nominated her for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2022. Dawkins-
Haigler has also spoke glowingly about Forde, and the releases by her organization announcing the visit made special mention of his Washington DC presentation and letter outlining cases of PPP discrimination.
This fixation with personal ambition by certain members in the party’s leadership is not doing us any good. Why can’t our leaders set their ambitions aside and work together in the interest of the party and its supporters?
Aubrey C Norton was elected leader of the party, and by extension the political opposition; why is he being sidelined on this critical event and constantly undermined by those with leadership aspirations?
Ryan Newton