Home Letters Is there such a thing as too much press freedom?
Dear Editor,
A free press is one of the most important aspects of democracy and freedom. Only authoritarians disagree with this well-established truism. In Guyana, it appears that we have a reverse problem where people with the greatest freedom to express their opinions are the same ones who cry about public opinion formation. Those very people, by the way, forget what it was like when the PNC ruled Guyana. For nearly three decades, free expression was banned. Many went to prison, others were banished through migration, and still others were killed off.
Very often when people have it good, they take it for granted. There is GHK Lall, for instance, who cries about things in Guyana, yet he is the most widely-circulated propagandist in the country. I think this fella publishes about 10,000 words every week. He is the only one in Guyana who is free to publish in Kaieteur News, Stabroek News, and Demerara Waves.
One hundred percent of what he writes is laced with hatred for those he does not like. He has a pathological hatred for the PPP, which, in my view, is all because he lost the perks associated with his tenure as Chairman of the Gold Board. It is sad and comforting at the same time that the Goldman, (as Uncle Freddie called him) is not taken seriously. Worse yet, is that Lall is a supporter of the APNU which attempted to rig the last election. He does not write about that issue. Wonder why?
Yours truly,
Brian Azore