Is this another manifestation of racism that Burnham built?

Dear Editor,
There is an influx of Venezuelan refugees, squatting in the outskirts of Linden and this has caused the township some nervousness that the aliens are invading “their space,” and the living conditions were so squalid that it necessitated Government attention. Their concern has been so grave that they called for the intervention of The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hugh Todd. Now, when the honourable Minister visited the area, he found that the narrative peddled by the leaders there was quite the opposite to what he witnessed himself.
The Minister found a group of foreigners (many might not be foreigners but second-generation Guyanese) cutting through virgin forest, constructing homes for themselves and family. This is not a new phenomenon; in that it runs along immigrant lines when they go into foreign lands. The progressive thinkers would utilise what limited resources that are available, to build fixed assets and move on with their lives.
This principle is observed worldwide, this is a principle if followed brought untold prosperity to immigrants seeking a better life abroad; The USA has been built on that principle adopted by the foreigners in their midst.
Now, is the “concern” the PNC Leaders in Linden are exhibiting, did it come from pure nationalism or is it a rehash of Burnham”s Rank Racism? I think it is the latter, because a little step back in history would show that Linden had a healthy population of Indo-Guyanese people who operated businesses there. Burnham at the height of his racist ideology, stirred up an ethnic cleansing to get the Indian out, this followed beatings, bombings and killings, the Indians were caught up in the racist objective of Burnham to cleanse Linden of The Race. So, ever since that time, The PNC have created a space called Linden, where only people of that race should inhabit and dominate, all others are seen as aliens and invaders.
So, when Minister Todd visited that community, the PNC Township leaders expected the Minister to dole out monies to them under the caption that they would provide for the Venezuelans. Well, they are ever so wrong, that parasitic, begging bowl, always cash strapped town council needs to go somewhere else with that trick, if ever the immigrants need help the Government would do so directly, not through dubious third-party politicians.
The PNC and its fringe associates need to realise that Guyana is not a state that is carved out for the benefit of a race, we have moved on the world scene as a developing third world country with space for others living in our midst, this means foreigners are included. The myopic racist rhetoric of the Opposition has to be done away with, Guyana moves on as one unitary state!

Neil Adams