There’s this feeling that can only be described by that German word “schadenfreude” – a feeling of satisfaction, not gloating!! – when someone else is experiencing some trouble or another. It’s like when you feel that justice is being done and you wanna cry out – as you punch your arm – “Yes!! There is a God!!” We’ve all felt that way in our personal lives, haven’t we?? Remember that snotty kid who insisted he bat first just because it was HIS bat? And then fell and broke his nose after he hit the first ball??!!
Well, it can happen at a larger scale also. Your Eyewitness just read what the Bank of England’s chief economist said in the midst of their highest inflation rates in decades, and millions are going hungry. From teachers to junior doctors, strikes have now spread to virtually every sector of the British economy, with no end in sight. It’s that bad!! He advised that households and businesses “need to accept” they are poorer, and stop seeking pay increases and pushing prices higher!! In other words, they should stop winging and keep a stiff upper lip!! He was following the tone struck last year by his boss, the BoE Governor, who used even stronger language!!
Your Eyewitness’s mind was drawn to the days when GREAT Britain was ruling us and when we complained about the no/low wages that made malnutrition endemic for hundreds of years. Labour protests exploded across the West Indies – including here in the 1930s – but they just sent out Commissions of Inquiry. They examined us in fruity tones, while the local Police used “the leaden argument” against strikers. The Police were completely exonerated; the Planters blithely continued their exploitation and the Commissioners filed their Reports!!
Well, today, British workers are finding out how it feels to be talked down to by their upper crust, and told to grin and bear it. For the record, the BoE governor made a cool £495,000 last year while the chief economist hauled in £180,000 – compared to the average Brit’s salary of £25,000!!
The BoE governor should (rather!) be speaking to his political bosses, who still seem to believe the sun hasn’t set on their empire!! They never thought through their jingoistic Brexit, and now the repercussions are biting them in the ass!! They never thought they needed the EU more than the EU needed them!! Compounding that strategic blunder, they’ve extended themselves in the Ukraine, and now gas prices have gone through the roof.
Dear reader, you may now understand why you don’t need a visa to enter Britain. We’re not the Windrush generation – they now need our oil and tourist dollars to make ends meet!!
How sweet it is!!
…voting scrutiny
You’ve gotta hand it to the PNC on their reaction to the Elections COI pronouncement on their “thiefin’” attempt!! But then they’ve been doing this for 55 years, and all shame has disappeared by now!! Your Eyewitness heard one of their apologists scoff at the COI’s findings – claiming that if they’d examined the recount records, they would’ve had a different conclusion!!
Now, let’s see if your Eyewitness got this right.Up to the evening of March 2, when voting ended and the SOPs were sent up to the 10 Regional Officers (ROs) everything was hunky dory, right?? The PNC in the persons of Granger and Nagamootoo said so!! So (as confirmed by the COI) when Mingo started diddling with the SOPs the following day –with the connivance of Lowenfield and Myers – whatever was revealed by the future recount wasn’t known!! Unless, in addition to the qualities revealed, Mingo was also clairvoyant!!
Mingo and Co saw the PNC had lost from the Reg 4 SOPs and tried a t’ing!!
Your Eyewitness read this piece on how to overcome the initial awkwardness of making contact on dating apps. Seems you can use bots to make your first moves. So, are you bound to promises made by your bot??