It’s desperation time for the opposition

Dear Editor,
It is desperation time for the Opposition because in the coming year they would have to face the electorate. There is a growing unease at the prospect of an election, if there was a party that is more petrified at the thought of facing an election then than party is the PNC. They are literally mortified at the thought of having to go to the polls.
And with good reason, they would have analyzed the situation that they are not at the disposal of the rigging apparatuses carefully crafted by their founder Leader Burnham. In addition, there are no Lowenfields, Mingos, Volda Lawrence’s and the rest of them, to deal with, we are now in a free and fair election mode, transparency is the watchword. Like I said in a previous correspondence, the worrisome issue on their minds is how to stave off a defeat or in other words what would be the margin of defeat come 2025?
We are here talking about a party who have never, I repeat, never won an election in the adult suffrage era, and trying to eke a win or even come close to, would be a daunting task to accomplish. Simply put, the rigging cabal at GECOM are no more operational, the movers and shakers of The PNC no longer exist.
So, they have done the about thing, they are now accusing the PPP/C of rigging the next election. It is a reverse psychology strategy that is meant to sway the electorate that a PPP/C Victory would have been due to the fact that the election was conducted with a compromised voters list. But even that ruse will not work because in the annals of elections here, there is only one party that has the infamous reputation of rigging, and that is the PNC.
They cannot work their shenanigans like they successfully did in 2015 and again tried to repeat in 2020, because that system has already been defeated. There will be no voting of the dead as The PNC Claim, because there will be a clean voters list, no more ghost elections for them. It would mean a loss of that rigging strategy exploited to the maximum by that party.
Election 2025 would be void of a police commissioner who takes orders from Congress Place, one who spied on and instructed his officers to bully the observers while the rigging process was in motion. We would be free of all political encumbrances; we would once again be able to vote in an atmosphere of a free and fair system!
There would be a slew of observers, both local and international, there to keep a close eye on the entire process, Guyana can once again take its rightful place in the sisterhood of nations where clean, free and fair elections is the norm. People would be able to vote in an ambience of peace.
Another significant fact the PNC would not be able to surmount, is the glaring evidences of development, blazing through this country, most, if not all of the major national projects, will be completed before November 2025. This would be the final version of their defeat.
Last, but by no means least, is that there would be a declaration of the results within a reasonable timeline, all of which would have come from The SOP’s, every aspect of it would be in compliance with strict electoral laws, as it is done in all civilized jurisdictions.

Neil Adams