“It’s scary, but God is in charge” – mother of 2 determined to fight cancer

Haimwati Vedya Hariprasad is a 41-year-old mother of two who was last year diagnosed with thyroid cancer, having received the earth-shattering news on July 27, 2023.
“The doctor said, ‘Your results show you have thyroid cancer,’ and I became numb, speechless, and motionless. I remember tears just rolled down my eyes,” Haimwati recalled during an interview with Guyana Times.
This stay-at-home mom had been consulting a doctor for goiter – an enlarged thyroid gland – since 2016, and had been using medication; but her condition was not improving because the thyroid gland had just kept increasing in size. As such, she had decided to have it removed. Surgery was done on July 22, 2023, and that was when the doctors had detected the cancer.
“During the surgery, the doctor and his team noticed something there, and they told my older son and asked him to sign for the permission to take a bit out and send it for a biopsy,” Haimwati explained. Five days later, she received a call from the lab technician, informing her that the results were ready and that she needed to visit the doctor.

Haimwati Vedya Hariprasad

“I was so nervous (that) I asked her (to share the results), but she said she can’t do that, it’s my doctor’s job,” Haimwati noted.
Having mustered the courage, and accompanied by her husband, she met with the doctor and received the news that changed her life forever.
“I didn’t speak for a while, but my husband was asking questions,” Haimwati recalled. “My doctor then told me it’s not the end of life, and (that I must) be thankful we found it at its early stage; and he started telling me about what we can do,” she noted.
Her options included radiation therapy and surgery.
“At this time, I didn’t know anyone with cancer. I came home and I started to read. I literally read till I got blank.”
After all the research and advice from family members, Haimwati eventually opted to have the surgery in Guyana.
Initially, she had hoped to visit the United States of America to be able to do radiation therapy there, but her application for a visa had been denied.
Upon her request, Haimwati was referred to another doctor, whom she said was very helpful and thoughtful throughout the process.
“He discussed everything with me. He sent all the research and info to me, and he told me to ask him anything, and (said that) at any time I can call to find out anything that bothers me…,” Haimwati explained.
She noted that she really appreciated the kindness of this doctor, and that she had had a successful surgery on August 26, 2023.
After the surgery, she had had to do regular checkups; and she is still in the process of doing such tests, to ensure the cancer does not return, or to determine if it has spread to other areas.
Haimwati says that dealing with the cancer has been a costly undertaking, and she is currently trying to gather financial support in this regard.
As a cancer survivor, Haimwati says, her life will never be the same.
“I now live on some pills daily. I can’t live without them… Honestly, I am tired of drinking them, but I have to (continue the treatment), I have no choice,” she declared.
Haimwati explained that she lives in constant pain, especially from cramps.
“This happens when my calcium level is low. Sometimes I have to end up at the hospital to take calcium; and boy, that thing is painful! Gosh! I keep asking where did cancer come from,” she disclosed. “The pains I bear are unbearable at times, but it’s prayers and faith keeping me alive,” Hamwaiti noted.
She also has a good support system in her daily battle to survive.
“I was told that the best cure (for) any sickness is love, comfort, and mental and emotional support. And I am sincerely thankful to all my many friends and family who have been there for me from day one to date…,” she notes.
“I am forever thankful to my husband and my older son, also my mom and sister. My mom, she is my strength. Many days I can’t get up to do anything, she is going to cook, wash, clean, and send my seven-year-old off to school,” Haimwati revealed.
She also has the support of the Guyana Cancer Foundation, founded and headed by Bibi Hassan.
“The ladies and Miss Bibi are all very loving and supportive to me, and we have a great relationship,” she expressed.
Haimwati is urging everyone to take their health seriously. To those persons battling cancer and dealing with the side effects of this deadly disease – such as depression – Hamwatie is encouraging them to have faith. Her message to them is stated below.
“Life will never be the same. Knowing the fact that this is a deadly disease you are fighting, it is scary; but, like I said, God is in charge. I am being reminded every day that nothing lasts forever, but with God’s timing, things will get better. I know it’s not an easy life, but remember: God bring you this far, and He will never leave you. He will make a way somehow to better your life.”