Jagdeo points to another glaring act of nepotism

Lindo Creek CoI

The coalition Government has been accused of continuing a trend of blatant corruption and nepotism.
Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo made reference to the Lindo Creek Commission of Inquiry (CoI) as one example where the Government continued to take very inappropriate action on very important matters.
He pointed out that the Attorney representing the Government in that matter is Patrice Henry. Henry happens to be the brother of Education Minister Nicolette

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

Jagdeo also reminded that the sitting Commissioner of the CoI is Donald Trotman, the father of the Natural Resources Minister and Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Raphael Trotman.
“Nowhere in the world where you have two Ministers of Government, one where the Minister of Education and Natural Resources and the head of a party having their relatives on that case,” he opined.
He said it reeked of blatant corruption which should not be accepted to continue.
Giving his views on the CoI, Jagdeo said he has never been confident about the manner in which the CoI was set up and even after following the proceedings, he was still not convinced that it was worth starting.
“I was looking at the proceedings and they all seem like really a total waste of time. I think they have written their conclusions already,” the Opposition Leader alleged.
Another important observation made by Jagdeo, is that the “lawyer seems to be cross examining”. He said, “I thought he supposed to illicit the truth from people, a lawyer to a commission. Not to take sides, but already in his line of questioning, he wants culpable parties.”
Jagdeo said he would not doubt if someone told him that “they have already received their instructions”. He maintained that the CoI was not credible, and other people looking on from outside have also concluded that.
Moreover, Jagdeo maintained that he believed the decision to have a CoI into the Lindo Creek Massacre out of all the others that occurred prior to it was “ill-advised from the very beginning”.
The Opposition has already stated that the lack of transparency and openness surrounding the operations of the controversial CoI could very well result in stories being concocted and falsified to accomplish a particular political outcome, which, in turn, could support the wider political objectives of the Government.
The presidential CoI has been established to inquire into the circumstances surrounding the killings of Cecil Arokium, Dax Arokium, Horace Drakes, Bonny Harry, Lancelot Lee, Compton Speirs, Nigel Torres and Clifton Berry Wong, on or about June 21, 2008 and to report the findings and recommendations to President David Granger.
The CoI was also established to investigate and make findings of facts on all matters in relation to the killing of the eight miners in Upper Demerara-Upper Berbice (Region 10). It will also make recommendations on actions to be taken against all persons and/or organisations that are deemed responsible for the deaths of these persons.