Jay and Sylvia Sobhraj Foundation donates to the sport fraternity

– valued over US$1M

On Saturday, November 10, at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, the Jay and Sylvia Sobhraj Foundation, also known as the Zara Donor Team, donated several pieces of sports equipment to the National Sports Commission, the East Bank Football Association, the East Coast Cricket Association, and the Ambitious Future Leaders of Albouystown/Charlestown.

Jay Sobhraj; his daughter-in-law, son and wife, Sylvia Sobhraj; Malcolm Ferreira  of Ambitious Future Leaders of Albouystown/Charlestown; Anil Persaud, President of East Coast Cricket Association; Chairman of the NSC, Dr. Colin Roach; Vice Chairman of NSC, Trevor Williams; and Secretary of the East Bank Football Association, Wayne Francois

The items donated consisted of cricket gears, basketballs, soccer balls and badminton gear valued at approximately one million USD.
At the simple handing over ceremony, Founder and philanthropist Jay Sobhraj, in brief remarks, said the foundation is pleased to assist Guyanese within the sporting fraternity, and will continue to support them. Sobhraj believes that a healthy mind is important, but having an active and fit lifestyle should be priority.
This is the second sport donation made to the Guyanese community. The first was made in April 2018 to the Guyana Police Force.
Chairman of the National Sports Commission, Dr. Colin Roach, not only thanked the Foundation for its generous contribution, but said the donations will enhance the sporting community throughout Guyana. He has wished the organisation success in the years ahead.
Vice Chairman of the National Sports Commission, Trevor Williams, stressed that the equipment is a necessary resource for Guyana’s development. He said huge donations like this presentation make groups more prepared for international competitions.
“These tools will bring out the unknown talents you would not have known or otherwise seen”, Williams said.
Secretary of the East Bank Football Association, Wayne Francois, expressed gratitude to the foundation and noted that a large or small donation would always make a difference in a person’s life.
The Jay and Sylvia Sobhraj Foundation, also known as the Zara Donor Team, comprises of four overseas-based Guyanese: Founders Jay and Sylvia Sobhraj, Information Technologist Nardeo Singh, and businessman Sarvan Budhu.
Known for their work within the Information Communications Technology sector, the foundation has established three state-of-the-art computer centres in partnership with the Guyana Police Force, to offer free computer classes to the Guyanese public; and one state-of-the-art Cyber Security Centre.
Also, in April this year, the foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Guyana, valued at $80 million Guyana dollars, to establish the Jay and Sylvia Sobhraj Centre for Behavioural Studies and Research at the University of Guyana.