
…for Guyanese voters
At long last, it appears that the Guyanese people who cast their votes on March 2 last year so peacefully and with discipline will finally get justice this month, since a motion to fire the chief culprits in GECOM, who sabotaged the counting, was just laid before the Commission. Your Eyewitness, of course, is referring to Lowenfield, Myers and Mingo. They do sound like one of those sleazy ambulance-chasing legal firms, don’t they?!
But surely your Eyewitness doesn’t have to reprieve the litany of subterfuges they
pulled in order to carry out the bidding of their PNC masters, does he? How many times do we have to be reminded of all the stunts Mingo committed – aided and abetted by his two supervisors, Lowenfield and Myers? His faking a heart attack to be rushed to GPHC, so that the Reg 4 SOPs’ tallying would be halted. He reminded your Eyewitness of Red Foxx’s classic running gag on his comedy show “Sanford and Son”. As soon as his character, Fred, finds himself in a fix, he clutches his heart, rolls his eyes heavenwards, and yells to his long-departed wife, “This is the big one! I’m dying! You hear that, Elizabeth! I’m coming to join you, honey!”
But Mingo’s stunt was anything but funny. It was downright evil. And in all of it, Lowenfield and Myers not only stood mute, but insisted everything was hunky-dory! In fact, after Mingo was forced by the courts to conduct a second, more transparent tallying at GECOM HQ, the man insisted on using a soiled bedsheet to repeat his cockishness. And his bosses remained mute.
The motion details all the labyrinthine twists and turns these three subjected the nation to – and now it’s all left to the Chairwoman, Claudette Singh. After all, we already know the three PNC and three PPP Commissioners will be cancelling out each other’s votes! Justice Singh has had a long and distinguished career at the bar and bench, and we remind her of the legal Latin phrase her generation were told to hearken to back in law school: “F?at j?stitia ruat cælum” – let justice be done though the heavens fall”! Because, though we all know there will be all sorts of thunder and lightning from the PNC and their troglodytes, the heavens will remain intact because Justice Singh will be upholding justice.
Starting from 1964, when the PNC were given power, they subverted every state institution to illegally remain in power. Burnham knew that once he had so many citizens fill in fake ballots to replace the real ones citizens cast, he’d destroy any chance of Guyanese really using “independence” to free ourselves.
Let’s start anew with these firings!

…in choosing Governments
Now, while we’re throwing out the miscreants who betrayed the trust conferred on them to perform the most important task for us, the people – choosing our Government – we cannot forget that this is only the beginning. We just can’t replace them with just any old bodies. As Burnham once cynically said, another Rasta will just take their places! We must have a vetting process for the positions in the GECOM Secretariat – not just the top tier.
Let us not forget that one criterion must be adhered to is its ethnic composition. Following up on a complaint, the ERC had determined that there was clear ethnic bias in the Secretariat’s hiring practices. After Granger broke constitutional law and unilaterally hired James Patterson, he went on to not just reject the qualified previous Dep. CEO to be rehired, but maligned his character with no evidence. And went on to hire Myers. And look how that turned out!!
One of the criteria for hiring in the Secretariat must be ethnic equity!

…and bail
We know the criterion for setting bail is a Magistrate’s judgement call on whether the person charged would show up for court. But, in that judgement, aren’t the nature of the crime and previous convictions factors?