Kaieteur News attack on young professionals

Dear Editor,

First I wish to commend Manzoor Nadir for his letter on the gutter journalism of the Kaieteur News (KN) newspaper. I could not have agreed more with him referencing the misuse of a media house to convict and pass sentence on people.

Case in point, a front page headline in Sunday’s Kaieteur News dated July 10 2016 “Marcia Sharma Faces Jail Time – SOCU, Police Legal Advisor”. It is very interesting that the next day, KN reports that the same police legal advisor recommends civil action.

The point I want to make is that KN did have access to the report and in two days the story changes.

However, the damage to Mrs Sharma’s reputation has been done with the first article. Lall and company assume the divine right to decide on the fate of people. They have also been on the case of Dr Mahender Sharma and many others who the Lall clique has on their target list.

Those in charge of the KN, deliberately set out to destroy people, I had my piece of their wrath years ago, but I am still here and can hold my head high and even higher than the bosses at Kaieteur News.

I can deal with Adam and Lall’s deviousness and distorting of information, what I want the authorities to investigate is, how KN is able to get confidential information that was not released?

There is a serious breach of confidentiality within SOCU, Police Headquarters and the Government. This serious breach demands that there be an audit of the systems at SOCU and the Police. And while we are at it the Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment should investigate a particular shoe store on Regent Street, where the largest amount of Mercury is illegally sold. The Justice For All Party (JFAP) did not campaign against one set of oppression to have it replaced by another.

As part of the Media Association and an active campaigner, the JFAP and CNS Channel 6 have stood for democracy and a free press which is responsible and upholds the ethics of the profession.

The Media Monitoring Unit needs to also speak up on this type of reporting in the name of a free press.

Yours truly,

Savitree Sharma

General Secretary

Justice For All Party/

Member of APNU