Kascon Engineering donates bat to Rampertab Ramnauth

Rampertab Ramnauth receives his newly-purchased bat compliments of Kascon Engineering

The Rafeek Kassim-led local construction firm, Kascon Engineering Services continues to provide support for young cricketers in Berbice, with Rampertab Ramnauth being the latest beneficiary.
The left-landed Ramnauth, a prolific national youth player who plays locally for Port Mourant, received a quality SG Grade One player edition bat which was purchased from the Cricnation592 Store. Ramnauth was above the cut as he represented Guyana and Berbice at all junior levels. He also featured for West Indies U-16 team on a tour to the United Kingdom.
Kassim, who has also pledged support to the current Guyana Under-17 player Adrian Hetmyer, saw the ultra-talented Ramnauth and decided to lend support. Earlier this year, under his construction firm, Kascon Engineering Services, Kassim pledged a 12-month support package for young Hetmyer, who is currently playing for Guyana Under-17s in Trinidad and Tobago.
Ramnauth is on the senior Guyana selectors’ radar and is currently a Guyana Harpy Eagles contracted player. He expressed gratitude to Kassim and his company for providing the bat.
“I am thankful to Mr Kassim for recognising my talent and supporting me,” Ramnauth said.
Kascon Engineering specialises in the construction of roads, buildings, and sea defences. Kassim is no stranger to cricket, as he played the game competitively and served in administrative roles. He was once at the helm of the Young Warriors Cricket Club.