Keeping score…

…on “Govt accomplishments”?
Stung by the tsunami of criticisms, especially from its “constituency” – that they were a “do-nothing government” – this administration’s not-so-well-oiled PR machinery “sprang” into action. This took the form of centre-spread publications in three dailies (not this newspaper, of course) by the shill of the Information Minister, who it is claimed is also the Prime Minister! Har-de-har-har!! Wasn’t much of a “spring”!!
The centre-spread publications purported to bring to the attention of the jaded Guyanese populace 125 “accomplishments” of the Government since it took office two years ago. Your Eyewitness mentioned a couple yesterday, and will continue examining the shill’s shrill screams to justify his 1,000 monthly salary plus “expenses”!!
Take, for instance, the “.5B spent in Public Health”. The first thought that popped into your Eyewitness’s mind was “WT*!! And still no aspirins at the Big Hospital??” Up to now, we’ve been getting periodic revelations on a half-billion here (to Larry for his bond!) and a half-billion there (to ANSA for their fridge and Arch!!) but .5B??? That’s REAL MONEY!! Coulda saved a score of suicides in the sugar belt after those factory closings.
The billion-dollar question, of course, is “How much of the .5B was public tendered??” After scouring the public notices, not much showed up. Obviously there was no soul searching for all this sole sourcing!! It was all about “friends with benefits”; or, as Trotman says, “political investments” delivering dividends!! Your Eyewitness had heard about the PPP govt “siphoning off billions, but this PNC-led government’s obviously using those 10” gravel pumps that’s used in the gold bush!! The ancillary question is: into whose pockets are all these billions being pumped??
Now if it so happens it’s a Trinidadian deep pocket that’s received the bulk of these funds, should anyone be surprised there’s a foreign currency shortage in Guyana?? Everyone knows what’s going on in TT after their LNG and petroleum operations ran aground. Are we now keeping them liquid?? Must be some sort of poetic justice. After all, Burnham literally broke their bank in the seventies with all his crazy borrowing!!
But something just struck your Eyewitness: Some years ago, when ANSA was threatening our local brewery – Banks – with their Carib beer, there was a big hue and cry from the chatterati about saving local jobs and all that. Now that ANSA’s destroying the local Pharma Company – which was saved after private enterprise took it over from the Government in a bankrupt and moribund state – why isn’t there even a squeak from the “elite” movers and shakers now??
Is it a case of politics, or race? Or the politics of race?

…on “political victimisation”
Another “accomplishment”, the shill claimed, was “no more political victimisations”!! Now, that’s SOME chutzpah, isn’t it?? So all those firings from the Ministries was to get rid of contract workers and bring in “professional public servants, right? Excepting now there are even more contract workers!! But it’s good to know all those billions in pharma contracts to ANSA had nothing to do with politics. Just plain old graft!!
But what about the “Case of the Purchased Law Books” by Anil Nandlall?? Even that staunch, prolix letter-writer-supporter of the Government, GFK Lall, had to concede that persecution prosecution wasn’t necessary. It’s so PETTY and glaringly a case of victimisation. As the lawyers say, res ipsa loquitur = the thing speaks for itself! And “the thing” stinks to high heavens!!
Worse than the fact that they charged Nandlall for US$200 worth of books and spent ten times that much already is that they did so without even completing their investigation.
They had to beg the court for more time!!

…on towns
So we’re told there are now 3 new townships. But exactly what the heck was done, apart from issuing a proclamation? Has any infrastructure like parks, museums or libraries been added to make life a bit more urban”??
Is a lamp a lamp if it doesn’t give light??